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This article lays out steps to deploy a user defined directive via the UI and REST API. Deploying UDD involves two steps. :

  1. Uploading the artifact JAR file containing the logic for the directive.

  2. Updating the artifact properties (if any) from the artifact json file.


Deploying Properties

Once the JAR file uploaded uploads successfully, now we can update the properties of the artifact via the properties API call.


Code Block
  "properties": {},
  "parents": [

In this specific case, the example-directive-properties.json will be {}

Deploy via the UI

Deploying the user-defined directive via the UI is straightforward.

  1. Navigate to the UI with the Green “+” button.

  2. Click on the Upload button under the Directive section

  3. Upload the jar and the json files built as part of the directive. In my screenshot, I have built example-directive and have uploaded the jar and json from the target directory.

  4. Once the custom user-defined directive is uploaded, it can now be used from the power mode in Dataprep Wrangler from the CLI mode. In this case, the example-directive introduces a text-length directive