GIF explaining the above steps: TestingFow TestingFlow
Testing Workflow/Mapreduce:
GIF explaning the above steps: TestingWorkflowMR TestingWorkflowMR.gif
Testing Service:
GIF explaning the above steps: TestingWorkflowMR TestingWorkflowMR.gif
- Go to UserProfileService and Start it.
- Make a POST call to /user/{id} end point with the following JSON,
GIF explaining the above steps: TestingService TestingService.gif
Testing Spark:
- Deploy SparkPageRank app
- Inject data by running /cdap/cdap-examples/SparkPageRank/bin/inject-data.sh (the script runs for a couple of minutes)
- Start RanksService and TotalPagesPR
- Go to SparkPageRankProgram
- Click Start
- You should see the metrics getting updated in the page
GIFs explaining the above steps: AdapterTest1 AdapterTest1.gif gif , TestingAdapter2 TestingAdapter2.gif
Objective: The objective of this test is to see if an adapter can convert a stream that is of format csv to a TPFSAvro dataset that we use internally anywhere.