- CDAP exposes the API for developers to build their own plugin for parsing data in a Stream.
- Developer should have the ability to build his own parser using the CDAP provided API for parsing events in the stream.
- Developer/Operations should then have the ability to deploy the parser implemented into a directory with a configuration
- User should specify at minimum a name and description for the plugin in a configuration
- User should have the ability to list the available plugins using REST API / CLI
- User should have the ability to view using REST API / CLI the pre-defined schema of the plugin in case the plugin defines one.
- User should have the ability to list the views associated with a Stream using REST API / CLI / UI
- User should have the ability to apply the plugin to a Stream and create a view
- User specified view name should be registered in a catalog allowing one to query (SQL) using the view name.
- User should have the ability to apply different plugins on the same Stream creating different view
- User should have the ability to change the plugin associated with a view
- CDAP should provide a text wrangler plugin that allows one to create rules for parsing mostly text files.