- As a developer of the Workflow, I want the ability to specify that the particular dataset used in the Workflow is local for the particular run, so that Workflow system can clean it up after the run completes. (CDAP-3969)
- As a developer of the Workflow, I should be able to specify whether the local datasets created by the Workflow run should be deleted or not after the Workflow run finishes. This way I can do some debugging on the them once the Workflow run is failed. (CDAP-3969)
Terence: If it is retained, how the user gain access and interact with those local datasets? As per the definition, local datasets "should be hidden from the normal list dataset calls and only visible from the Workflow run level UI page for exploring/debugging purpose". - I want the ability to delete the local datasets generated for the particular Workflow run. (CDAP-3969)
I should be able to specify whether to keep the local dataset even after the Workflow run is finished. (CDAP-3969)
Andreas: This seems identical to 2. [Sagar: Oh yes. Striking it.]- As a developer of the Workflow, I want ability to specify the functionality(such as sending an email) that will get executed when the Workflow finishes successfully. (CDAP-4075)
- As a developer of the Workflow, I want ability to specify the functionality(such as sending an email) that will get executed when the Workflow fails at any point in time. I want access to the cause of the failure and the node at which the workflow failed. (CDAP-4075)
- As a developer of the Workflow, if the workflows fails, I want the ability instruct the workflow system to not delete the local datasets, for triage purposes. [Sagar: This is good point. Will add the design for it.]