Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Option #3 

Story 1 - Schema and field value suggestions : 

Plugin annotation @Endpoint: 

Plugin’s can have custom plugin-specific methods that can be annotated as @Endpoint.
UI can learn about available endpoints for a plugin from the plugin properties.
UI can call the app-fabric endpoint identifying {artifact, plugin} with the method name and method-parameter as request body,  the app-fabric endpoint will then load the corresponding plugin and call the method identified by method-name, if the method is annotated as @Endpoint.
The response from this method call is sent as response of the HTTP request.


Code Block
POST : /namespaces/{namespace-id}/artifacts/{artifact-name}/versions/{artifact-version}/extensions/
{plugin-type}/plugins/{plugin-name}/versions/{plugin- version}/methods/{plugin-method}?scope={artifact-scope}&pluginScope={plugin-scope}
Request-Body :  Map<String, String>JSON -  fieldName to value mapping.
Response : 
200, Successful Response JSON string


Endpoint Annotation


Code Block
public @interface Endpoint {

   * Returns the endpoint.
  String endpoint();


Example Methods in Plugin DBSource:


Code Block
List<String> listTables(ListTableRequest request)

Map<String, String> getSchema(SchemaRequest request)	


Story 2 - Drafts


HTTP Request Type


Request Body

Response Status

Response Body



404, Not Found, Plugin Specific Error Message (Example : DB, Table not found)
500, Error, Plugin Specific Error Message (Example : JDBC Connection error)


Endpoint Annotation


Code Block
public @interface Endpoint {

   * Returns the endpoint.
  String endpoint();


Example Methods in Plugin DBSource:


Code Block
List<String> listTables(ListTableRequest request)

Map<String, String> getSchema(SchemaRequest request)	


Story 2 - Drafts

Configurations HTTP Handler:

Single HTTP Handler for unifying Console Setting Handler and Dashboards. 


/namespacesnamespace/configurations/ the name of list of all saved configs

500 error

[ nameStreamToTPFSlastSaved "",



HTTP Request Type


Request Body

Response Status

Response Body





"config": {...}


200 OK: config saved successfully

409 CONFLICT: draftconfig with object-name id already exists

500 Error: while saving the draft






"config ": {...}


200 OK: config object updated successfully

404 NOT Found : config object doesn't exist already, cannot be updated.

500 Error while updating the config





200 return all the versions for the config identified by the configobject-nameid

404 config not found

500 error while getting config




"timestamp" : "...",

"version" : ".."








200 return the versions for the config object identified by the configobject-id and version-number

404 config object with version found

500 error while getting config object



"timestamp" : "...",

"config": {

"source" : {



"transforms" : [...],

"sinks" [...]

"connections" : [..]





Get latest version





Get latest version


200 return

the latest version for the config object

404 config object with version found

500 error while getting config object



timestamp" : "













200 successfully deleted the specified config

404 config does not exist

500 error while deleting



The ConsoleSettingsHttpHandler currently makes use of ConfigStore. It's however not name-spaced and has few other issues, it can be fixed and can be improved to store configs.

Along with pipeline drafts ConsoleSettingsHttpHandler also stores the following information currently:

Code Block
titlePlugin Template Endpoints

return the name of list of all saved config objects

500 error


"name" : "StreamToTPFS",

"lastSaved": "..",












  // create a new plugin template POST namespaces/{namespace-id}/plugin-templates/{plugin-template-id}/ -d '@plugin-template.json' // update existing plugin template PUT namespaces/{namespace-id}/plugin-templates/{plugin-template-id}/ -d '@plugin-template.json' // delete the plugin template DELETE namespaces/{namespace-id}/plugin-templates/{plugin-template-id}/ Code Block
// create/update defaults this include user's plugin version preferences, etc. PUT : namespaces/{namespace-id}/defaults -d '@default.json' GET : namespaces/{namespace-id}/defaults



200 successfully deleted the specified object

404 object does not exist

500 error while deleting



The ConsoleSettingsHttpHandler currently makes use of ConfigStore. It's however not name-spaced and has few other issues, it can be fixed and can be improved to store configs.

Along with pipeline drafts ConsoleSettingsHttpHandler also stores the following information currently:


"Drafts", "Plugin Templates",  "Default versions"  and "Dashboards" are of "config-type"  and the individual json-config or object would be identified by "object-id".


JAVA API - Config Store:


Code Block
titleExisting configstore methods
void create(String namespace, String type, Config config) throws ConfigExistsException;

void createOrUpdate(String namespace, String type, Config config);

void delete(String namespace, String type, String id) throws ConfigNotFoundException;

List<Config> list(String namespace, String type);

Config get(String namespace, String type, String id) throws ConfigNotFoundException; 

void update(String namespace, String type, Config config) throws ConfigNotFoundException;
Code Block
titleConfigstore new methods
// get a particular version of an entry. 
Config get(String namespace, String type, String id, int version) throws ConfigNotFoundException; 
// get all the versions of an entry.
List<Config> getAllVersions(String namespace, String type, String id) throws ConfigNotFoundException; 

Open Questions :

1) ConfigStore stores the configs in "", currently the table properties doesn't have versioning, drafts would need versioning, this would also need CDAP-upgrade to update properties for the existing dataset? 

2) rename ConsoleSettingsHttpHandler to ConfigurationsHttpHanlder ?

3) Dependent UI changes. 


Schema Propagation and Validation through backend - DryRuns:


Currently when pipeline is published, configurePipeline of plugins are called and we perform pipeline validation and plugin validations and also deploy the application. 


1.Goal of dry-run endpoint is to validate a pipeline, then validate plugins by calling configure methods of plugin’s in the pipeline without


   performing any creation of datasets or generate program etc, which are usually done during deploy.


2. using dry-run we would be able to catch issues in the pipeline earlier and fix them before deploying. 


Dry-run can also be used by UI for schema propagation with some requirements from UI:


  •      If Plugin has field “schema", UI can mutate the output schema


  •      If plugin doesn’t have the field “schema" , UI cannot change the output schema and has to rely on result of dry               


               run for the output schema for that stage, which is set during plugin configuration.


we need to follow the above conditions for correctness, if UI mutates schema when there isn’t a field “schema”, the backend would have a different schema as input-schema for the next stage and the UI changes wouldn’t be reflected.




Code Block
POST : namespace/{namespace-id}/dry-run 

Request-Body : JSON Config.

JSON Config with additional fields in the plugin for output schema, 
exceptions in configuring pipeline stage, etc.  


User Stories (3.5.0)

  1. For the hydrator use case, the backend app should be able to support hydrator related functionalities listed below:
  2. query for plugins available for a certain artifacts and list them in UI
  3. obtaining output schema of plugins provided the input configuration information
  4. deploying pipeline and start/stop the pipeline
  5. query the status of a pipeline run and current status of execution if there are multiple stages.
  6. get the next schedule of run, ability to query metrics and logs for the pipeline runs.
  7. creating and saving pipeline drafts
  8. get the input/output streams/datasets of the pipeline run and list them in UI. 
  9. explore the data of streams/datasets used in the pipeline if they are explorable. 
  10. Add new metadata about a pipeline and retrieve metadata by pipeline run,etc.
  11. delete hydrator pipeline
  12. the backend app's functionalities should be limited to hydrator and it shouldn't be like a proxy for CDAP.  

Having this abilities will remove the logic in CDAP-UI to make appropriate CDAP REST calls, this encapsulation will simplify UI's interaction with the back-end and also help in debugging potential issues faster. In future, we could have more apps similar to hydrator app so our back-end app should define and implement generic cases that can be used across these apps and it should also allow extensibility to support adding new features. 

Generic Endpoints
