The purpose of this page is to document the plan for redesigning the Github statistic collection in the Caskalytics app.
Current Implementation of Github Metrics
Use a Workflow Custom Action to run periodic RESTful calls to the Github API
Results will be written into the GitHub partition of the Fileset.
A MapReduce job will periodically read from the GitHub partition of the Fileset, and update the Cube dataset.
- Expose a service that accepts and verifies valid webhook messages from Github and writes those messages to a Datatable.
- This will collect both the raw messages as well as a metrics table for collecting stats at a repo and user level
- Expose a RESTful endpoint to query metrics from the aggregates table and return results in JSON
- Use the data service to create some sort of visual display of the information.
Metrics Calculated
- Metrics will be stored in a seperate dataset from the raw messages
- Repo messages will overwrite each time a new message is recieved from Github
- Per User metrics will be incremented
- All Time Metrics
- Per Repository
- repo size
- stargazers_count
- watchers_count
- forks_count
- Per User
- Issues <action> (opened, closed, reopened)
- Issue Comment Created
- Per Repository
Capture Endpoint
- The capture endpoint will be a catch all endpoint where the