Versions Compared


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TODO: External systems may have their own caching mechanisms. e.g. Sentry has PrivilegeCache. We should make this cache pluggable, the APIs exposed by these external systems can be re-used

Authorizing list operations

Operations that list entities (namespaces, artifacts, apps, programs, datasets, streams) should be updated so that they only return the entities that the currently logged-in user has privileges on. 

  • Listing namespaces, apps, artifacts, datasets and streams should return only those respective entities that the user has READ, WRITE or ALL permissions on
  • Listing programs should return programs that the user has READ, WRITE, EXECUTE or ALL permissions on

To achieve this, the corresponding list APIs in CDAP (e.g. NamespaceAdmin, AppLifecycleService, ProgramLifecycleService, DatasetFramework, StreamAdmin) should be updated with a filter to only return elements that users have access to.


Ability to distinguish between read and write operations in datasets

Entities, Operations and Required Privileges

EntityOperationRequired PrivilegesResultant Privileges
NamespacecreateADMIN (Instance)ADMIN (Namespace)
 updateADMIN (Namespace) 
 listREAD (Instance) 
 getREAD (Namespace) 
 deleteADMIN (Namespace) 
 set preferenceWRITE (Namespace) 
 get preferenceREAD (Namespace) 
 searchREAD (Namespace) 
ArtifactaddWRITE (Namespace)ADMIN (Artifact)
 deleteADMIN (Artifact) 
 getREAD (Artifact) 
 listREAD (Namespace) 
 write propertyADMIN (Artifact) 
 delete propertyADMIN (Artifact) 
 get propertyREAD (Artifact) 
 refreshWRITE (Instance) 
 write metadataADMIN (Artifact) 
 read metadataREAD (Artifact) 
ApplicationdeployWRITE (Namespace)ADMIN (Application)
 getREAD (Application) 
 listREAD (Namespace) 
 updateADMIN (Application) 
 deleteADMIN (Application) 
 set preferenceWRITE (Application) 
 get preferenceREAD (Application) 
 add metadataADMIN (Application) 
 get metadataREAD (Application) 
Programsstart/stop/debugEXECUTE (Program) 
 set instancesADMIN (Program) 
 listREAD (Namespace) 
 set runtime argsEXECUTE (Program) 
 get runtime argsREAD (Program) 
 get instancesREAD (Program) 
 set preferenceADMIN (Program) 
 get preferenceREAD (Program) 
 get statusREAD (Program) 
 get historyREAD (Program) 
 add metadataADMIN (Program) 
 get metadataREAD (Program) 
 emit logsWRITE (question) (Program) 
 view logsREAD (Program) 
 emit metricsWRITE (question) (Program) 
 view metricsREAD (Program) 
StreamscreateWRITE (Namespace)ADMIN (Stream)
 update propertiesADMIN (Stream) 
 deleteADMIN (Stream) 
 truncateADMIN (Stream) 
WRITE (Stream) 
 getREAD (Stream) 
 listREAD (Namespace) 
 read eventsREAD (Stream) 
 set preferencesADMIN (Stream) 
 get preferencesREAD (Stream) 
 add metadataADMIN (Stream) 
 get metadataREAD (Stream) 
 view lineageREAD (Stream) 
 emit metricsWRITE (question) (Stream) 
 view metricsREAD (Stream) 
DatasetslistREAD (Namespace) 
 getREAD (Dataset) 
 createWRITE (Namespace)ADMIN (Dataset)
 updateADMIN (Dataset) 
 dropADMIN (Dataset) 
 executeAdmin (exists/truncate/upgrade)ADMIN (Dataset) 
 add metadataADMIN (Dataset) 
 get metadataREAD (Dataset) 
 view lineageREAD (Dataset) 
 emit metricsWRITE (question) (Dataset) 
 view metricsREAD (Dataset) 


Out-of-scope User Stories (4.0 and beyond)

  1. As a CDAP admin, I should be able to authorize metadata changes to CDAP entities
  2. As a CDAP system, I should be able to push down ACLs to storage providers
  3. As a CDAP admin, I should be able to see an audit log of all authorization-related changes in CDAP
  4. As a CDAP admin, I should be able to authorize all thrift-based traffic, so transaction management is also authorized.
  5. As a CDAP admin, I should be able to authorize logging and metrics operations on CDAP entities.
