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  • As a Hue admin, I should be able to easily configure CDAP as a plugin app in the Hue system
  • As a CDAP user or a CDAPadmin, I should be able to explore all the entities of CDAP (ex: Namespaces, Streams, Programs etc.) in Cloudera Hue's UI.
  • As a CDAP user, I should be able to perform all the ACL management operations provided by Apache Sentry through Cloudera Hue's admin UI.
    • CDAP superusers can manage all the rules
    • A user/groups who have ADMIN on one entity can give ACL on that entity to other users/groups



A user (typically CDH users) who are using Hue for exploring and managing ACL and other operations for all the different services on their cluster prefers to use Hue and the consistent UI to manage ACLs for CDAP rather than separately in CDAP UI. 


The system utilize the Cloudera Hue's interface to manage the access control configuration between CDAP and Apache Sentry. The Hue itself does not store any state during this process.


Communication with Apache SENTRY is enabled by SENTRY's thrift service. When admin grants/ revokes certain privileges through the Hue UI, it will be propagated to the SENTRY system and take effects on the further request coming from CDAP. In design one Hue will talk to the Sentry directly while design two take advantage of the Sentry Client apis built in CDAP to do so. We currently preferred the prefer the second one since it involves less code modification in Hue and it favors future change of security functionalities (as we have to change both in Hue and in CDAP for the first design in this case). 


One possible UI layout is shown below. All the entities in CDAP can be listed hierarchically in the left. When click on one specific entity, user is able to view the detailed properties of this entity and manage the acl rules associated with this entity. The actual UI may vary in colors and relative layout of elements but stick to this concept.

Here is are some other possible UI designs. Basically the ideas behind are the same that we provide a hierarchy entity structure to user with either a separate panel or a pop-up window to manage the ACLs.


In this case, the entire ACL management buttons are presented in the pop up window. The descriptions of entities can be displayed right to the entity name or displayed as anchors when mouse hovers over it.


Among all the UI layouts, we prefer the to implement the first one, since displaying all the UI components on the same page invloves less window open/close logic and less confusing to end users. In addtion, as the description of each entitiy is generally not that long (less than 5 entries in the first layer) and thus it is possible to put the ACL-adding-panel right under the descriptions. 


To configure the CDAP app in HUE, simply copy the cdap app source code into $HUE_ROOT and run commands below: 


In the above design, the system only supports listing all entities in CDAP and perform ACL management on these entities, while there is no way actually deploy/start/stop a programfull-support for manage the entities. These cases are listed as below and might be supported in the future.

  • Deploy/Start/Destroy a program
  • Creating/Deleting/Renaming an entity
  • List and Explore those entities that are not related to ACL management such as services, workflows
  • Change the properties of entities