Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


There will be an internal process to push the entire market repository to S3. If a user wishes to host their own marketplace, they can do so using their own S3 instance or by hosting their own serversticking a server like apache httpd on top of a local directory structure.


The APIs are simply a contract about the directory structure of the marketplace. All APIs are relative to a base path. For example, The structure is expected to be:

Code Block

The packages.json, packages-<category>.json, versions.json , and signature files will could be generated using a tool from the categories.json and all the package spec.json files using a tool.


In order to make serving easier, we are sacrificing flexibility and extensibility. For example, searching and filtering packages (beyond filtering by a single category) cannot be done in this way. One useful thing we may want to support very soon is filtering packages based on the CDAP version.

List Categories


List Categories

Code Block
GET /categories.json
    "name": "examples",
    "label": "Examples",
    "description": "Example applications to get started with CDAP."
    "name": "use-cases",
    "label": "Use Cases",
    "description": "Common Use Cases."



all Packages

Code Block
GET /packages.json
    "name": "PurchaseExample",
    "label": "Purchase History",
    "description": "Example Application demonstrating usage of flows, workflows, mapreduce, and services.",
    "author": "Cask",
    "org": "Cask Data Inc.",
    "version": "4.0.1",
    "categories": [ "examples" ]
    "name": "HelloWorld",
    "label": "Hello World",
    "description": "Simple application demonstrating usage of flows and services.",
    "author": "Cask",
    "org": "Cask Data Inc.",
    "version": "4.0.0",
    "categories": [ "examples" ]

List Latest Version of all Packages in a Category

Code Block
GET /packages-<category>.json
ex: GET /packages-examples.json
    "name": "PurchaseExample",
    "label": "Purchase History",
    "description": "Example Application demonstrating usage of flows, workflows, mapreduce, and services.",
    "author": "Cask",
    "org": "Cask Data Inc.",
    "version": "4.0.1",
    "categories": [ "examples" ]
    "name": "HelloWorld",
    "label": "Hello World",
    "description": "Simple application demonstrating usage of flows and services.",
    "author": "Cask",
    "org": "Cask Data Inc.",
    "version": "4.0.0",
    "categories": [ "examples" ]

List Package Versions

Code Block
GET /packages/<package-name>/versions.json
ex: GET /packages/PurchaseExample/versions.json
    "name": "PurchaseExample",
    "label": "Purchase History",
    "description": "Example Application demonstrating usage of flows, workflows, mapreduce, and services.",
    "author": "Cask",
    "org": "Cask Data Inc.",
    "version": "4.0.1",
    "categories": [ "examples" ],
    "created": 1234567899,
    "changelog": "fixed a small parsing bug",
    "dependencies": {
      "cdap": {
        "minVersion": "4.0.0",
        "maxVersion": "4.1.0"
    "name": "PurchaseExample",
    "label": "Purchase History",
    "description": "Example Application demonstrating usage of flows, workflows, mapreduce, and services.",
    "author": "Cask",
    "org": "Cask Data Inc.",
    "categories": [ "examples" ],
    "version": "4.0.0",
    "created": 1234567890,
    "changelog": "updated APIs to work with CDAP 4.0.0",
    "dependencies": {
      "cdap": {
        "minVersion": "4.0.0",
        "maxVersion": "4.1.0"



This leaves display of multiple versions of the same package up to the UI. 

Get Package Archive

Code Block
GET /packages/<package-name>/<version>/
ex: GET /packages/PurchaseExample/4.0.1/
[ binary archive contents] 


Code Block
GET /packages/<package-name>/<version>/spec.json
ex: GET /packages/PurchaseExample/4.0.1/spec.json
  "spec-version": "1.0",
  "name": "PurchaseExample",
  "label": "Purchase History",
  "description": "Example Application demonstrating usage of flows, workflows, mapreduce, and services.",
  "author": "Cask",
  "org": "Cask Data Inc.",
  "version": "4.0.1",
  "created": 1234567899,
  "changelog": "fixed a small parsing bug",
  "categories": [ "examples" ],
  "dependencies": {
    "cdap": {
      "minVersion": "4.0.0",
   fixed a small parsing bug",
  "maxVersioncategories": "4.1.0[ "examples" ],
 "dependencies": { },
  "actions": [
      "type": "create_artifact",
      "arguments": [
          "name": "name",
          "value": "PurchaseHistoryExample"
          "name": "version",
          "value": "4.0.1"
          "name": "scope",
          "value": "user"
          "name": "jar",
          "value": "PurchaseHistoryExample-4.0.1.jar"
      "type": "create_app",
      "arguments": [
          "name": "name",
          "default": "PurchaseHistory"


Packages will be able to specify dependencies on the CDAP version, as well as dependencies on other packages.


other packages.

Code Block
  "packagesdependencies": [
        "name": "spark-plugins",
      "minVersionversion": "1.5.0",
        "maxVersion": "1.6.0"


Min versions are inclusive and max versions are exclusive.
