Versions Compared


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  1. Support configurable sorting for search results. Preferably, both sortBy and sortOrder should be supported. In addition, it would be nice to support multiple combinations of sortBy and sortOrder
  2. Support pagination for search results. The API should accept offset (defines the start position in the search results) and limit (defines the number of results to show at a time) parameters.
  3. Search queries should be able to filter results by one or more entity types
  4. Metadata for every search result should include (**needs confirmation**):
    1. name
    2. description
    3. creation time
    4. version
    5. entity type
    6. owner
    7. any more?
  5. Potential requirement: Ability to annotate (if not filter) an entity by scope (SYSTEM vs USER)

User Stories

  1. As a CDAP user, I should be able to search all entities (artifacts, applications, programs, datasets, streams, views) sorted by a name and/or creation time
  2. As a CDAP user, I should be able to paginate search results by specifying a page size. In addition, I should be able to specify the offset from where to return search results.
  3. As a CDAP user, I should be able to filter search results by a given entity type
