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Resource Factory (f.k.a Resource Center) > Application


Wizard StepStep Short Description (SSD)Step Long Description (SLD)Step Fields LabelsField Validation
1General InformationSpecifies the name of the application and also uploads artifacts
  • Name (Text Box)
  • Tags (Tag Widget)
  • Application JAR (Upload Area)
    • Drag and Drop
    • Choose File
  • Name (Required)
    • Max Length : 64
    • No special characters, only _ (underscore)
    • UTF8
  • Tags
  • Application JAR (Required)
    • Extension should be .jar|.JAR
2PreferencesSpecify preferences to applied at this Application level
  • <Name, Value>[,<Name, Value>]+ - A Key value pair. (Key / Value Component)
  • Name
    • Max Length : 32
  • Value
    • Max Length : 512
3MetadataSpecifies credentials for securely impersonating programs running as specified user
  • Principal (Text Box)
  • Keytab URI (Text Box)
  • Principal
    • Max Length : 32
    • No special Characters
  • Keytab URI
    • Starts with hdfs:// or file:///

i18n YAML File

Code Block
       ssd-label: "General Information"
       sld-desc:  "Specifies the name of the application and also uploads artifacts"
       name-label: "Name"
       name-placeholder: "Name of the namespaceapplication you would like to have"
       descriptiontags-label: "Description"
       description-placeholder: "Description"Add Tags"
       scheduler-queue-label: "Scheduler Queue"
       scheduler-queuetags-placeholder: "Specify the YARN queue name to be associated with this namespace"
       ssd-label: "Namespace MappingTags:"
       sld-label: "Specifies mapping of namespace resources to the underlying existing storage resources"
       hdfs-root-directory-app-jar-label: "HDFSApplication Root DirectoryJAR"
       hdfsapp-rootjar-directory-placeholder: "SpecifyDrag theand rootDrop directoryApplication ofJAR HDFSor toChoose be used as this namespace rootApplication JAR"
       hive-db-name-label: "Hive Database Name"Step2:
       hive-db-name-placeholder: "Specify the Hive database name to be used for this namespace"
       hbase-nm-name-label: "HBase Namespace Name"
       hbase-nm-name-placeholder: "Specify the name of the existing namespace in HBase to be used for this namespace"
       ssd-label: "Security"
       sld-label: "Specifies credentials for securely impersonating programs running as specified user"
       principal-label: "Principal"
       principal-placeholder: "Specifies the user to be impersonated for all jobs running in this namespace"
       keytab-uri-label: "Keytab URI"
       keytab-uri-placeholder: "Specifies the location to keytab file associated with the principal"
       ssd-label: "Preferences"
       sld-label: "Specify preferences to applied at the namespaceApplication level"
       name-label: "Name"
       name-placeholder: "Preference name"
       value-label: "Value"
       value-placeholder: "Preference value"
       creation-error-desc: "Failed to upload createthe namespaceApplication '%s'JAR"
       creation-success-desc: "Successfully uploaded Application JAR and created namespaceApplication '%s'"