Base URL: /v3/namespaces/<ns-id>
Create Topic
- Request method and URI
PUT [base_url]/topics/[topic]
- Request body
- Can be empty
- If provided, it is a JSON object containing topic properties
e.g. {"ttl" : [ttl-in-seconds]}
- Response
- 200 OK if the topic was created successfully
- 409 CONFLICT if a topic of the same name exists already
- 400 BAD REQUEST if the given TTL is invalid
Update Topic
- Request method and URI
PUT [base_url]/topics/[topic]/properties
- Request body
- JSON object containing topic properties. Note that this call will replace all the existing properties.
e.g. {"ttl" : [ttl-in-seconds]}
- JSON object containing topic properties. Note that this call will replace all the existing properties.
- Response
- 200 OK if the topic properties were updated successfully
- 404 NOT FOUND if the topic is not present
- 400 BAD REQUEST if the properties were not correct
Delete Topic
- Request method and URI
DELETE [base_url]/topics/[topic]
- Response
- 200 OK if the topic was deleted successfully
- 404 NOT FOUND if the topic is not present
Publish Message
There are two separate endpoints to support different publishing cases as described above. They both share the same request format.
- Request Schema
{ "
tx_write_ptrtransactionWritePointer" : [ "
stringlong", "null" ], "messages" : { "type" : "array", "items" : "bytes" }}
- Request body
- Can be avro binary or JSON, based on the request - Content-Type: application/json or avro/binary
Schema Fields:i)
- Contains an array of byte arrays that correspond to messages
- Corresponds to a transaction write pointer.
Store Messages to Payload
POST [base_url]/topics/[topic]/store
tx_write_ptrRequest body should contain
transactionWritePointer and messages
- Response:
404 NOT FOUND if the topic is not present
200 OK if message is persisted
Publish Messages to Message
- This call can be preceded by multiple calls to the 'store' endpoint. If it is preceded by calls to store to the same tx_write_ptrwith same
, then this endpoint should be called with an empty messages field. If it is not preceded by store calls to the same tx_write_ptrwith sametransactionWritePointer
, then this call will store themessages
to to the MessageTable
directly. - If the call does not contain a tx_write_ptr
, then the messages are stored non-transactionally (ie, without a tx write ptr).POST [base_url]/topics/[topic]/publish
Request schema can optionally contain tx_write_ptr and can optionally contain messages
. If store calls were made previously with the same tx_write_ptrtransactionWritePointer
, the messages array should be empty.Response:
404 NOT FOUND if topic is not present
200 OK if messages are persisted
Rollback Transactionally published
POST [base_url]/topics/[topic]/rollback
schema should contain tx_write_ptr and the messages field is ignored
404 Schema
{ "transactionWritePointer" : "long" }
404 NOT FOUND if topic is not present
200 OK if messages are rolled back
Consume Message
- Request method and URI
POST [base_url]/topics/[topic]/poll
- Request Schema
{ "messageId" : [ "bytes", "null" ], "timestamp" : [ "
stringlong", "null" ], "inclusive" :
"null" ],"limit" : [ "integer", "null" ], "transaction" : [ "bytes" , "null" ] }
- Response Schema (will be in JSON or Avro based on the request Content-Type)
{ "
responsetype" : "array", "items" : {"type": "
arrayrecord", "
itemsname": "
record" } } - each record contains two fields - { "messageId" , "bytes", "message" : "bytes" }
- Request body Can be avro binary or JSON, based on the
Message", "fields": [ { "name" : "id" , "type" : "bytes" }, {"name" : "payload" : "type" : "bytes" }] }}
- Request body
- Can be avro binary or JSON, based on the request - Content-Type: application/json or avro/binary
Schema Fields:
i) messageId - Contains bytes that correspond to the messageId
ii) timestamp - Timestamp in ms as a string
iii) inclusive - boolean field that says whether the messageId/timestamp should be inclusive
iv) limit - max number of responses to return
v) transaction - serialized bytes of the transaction object
- Request method and URI
POST [base_url]/topics/[topic]/poll
Request body
Fields (all the fields are optional):
i) messageId: Provide a messageId as an offset into the topic message queueii) timestamp: Provide a timestamp as an offset into the topic message queue. Note that either messageId or timestamp needs to be provided. If both are provided, then messageId will be used.
iii) inclusive: This boolean flag indicates whether the offset is inclusive or exclusive
iv) limit: Max number of messages to return, by default it is set to 100.
v) transaction: If message polling needs to be done transactionally, then this
- Response :
404 NOT FOUND if topic is not present
200 OKResponse body contains an avro binary or JSON object based on the request Content-Type with the schema as mentioned above