- Request method and URI
POST [base_url]/topics/[topic]/poll
Request Schema
Code Block language js { "type" : "record", "name" : "ConsumeRequest", "fields" : [ { "name" : "startFrom", "type" : [ "bytes", "long", "null" ] }, { "name" : "inclusive", "type" : [ "boolean", "nulldefault" : ]true }, { "name" : "limit", "type" : [ "int", "null" ] }, { "name" : "transaction", "type" : [ "bytes", "null" ] } ] }
Response Schema (will be in JSON or Avro binary based on the request Content-Type)
Code Block language js { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "record", "name": "Message", "fields": [ { "name" : "id", "type" : "bytes" }, { "name" : "payload", "type" : "bytes" } ] } }
- Request body
- Can be Avro binary or JSON, based on the request - Content-Type: application/json or avro/binary
Schema Fields:
i) startFrom - can be bytes in which case it is considered as messageId, can be long in which case it is considered as timestamp
ii) inclusive - boolean field that says whether the messageId/timestamp should be inclusive
iii) limit - max number of responses to return [an hard limit will be set by the TransactionServer which will be a cConf property]
iv) transaction - serialized bytes (TransactionCodec) of the transaction object