Versions Compared


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  1. Create an extension directory 

    Code Block
    $ mkdir -p /opt/cdap/master/ext/hbase/repl
  2. Copy your jar to the directory 

    Code Block
    $ cp myextension.jar /opt/cdap/master/ext/hbase/repl/
  3. Modify cdap-site.xml to use your implementation of HBaseDDLExecutor 

    Code Block
  4. Modify cdap-site.xml with any properties required by your executor. Anything prefixed by 'cdap.hbase.spi.hbase.' will be available through the Context object passed into your executor's initialize method

    Code Block

Before starting CDAP on the master cluster, load the HBase coprocessors required by CDAP onto the slave cluster 

Code Block
$ cdap setup coprocessors


Start CDAP on the master cluster

Code Block
$ cdap master start


Manual Failover Procedure