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Table of Contents


  •  User Stories Documented
  •  User Stories Reviewed
  •  Design Reviewed
  •  APIs reviewed
  •  Release priorities assigned
  •  Test cases reviewed
  •  Blog post


Machine learning and model building requires some tooling around them like model management and deployment tools. A typical machine learning pipeline looks as follows: 

Usually, data scientists spend most of the time in non machine learning tasks, like data cleansing, sampling, managing models and stats for different iterations etc. With Athena we can solve this problem by providing Machine learning model management framework, Athena.


Build Machine learning model management framework to provide better experience to data scientists.

User Stories 

  • As a data scientist, I should be able to provide training and test data or split the data into training and test datasets.
  • As a data scientist, I should be able to prepare data to create machine learning model.
  • As a data scientist, I should be able to create experiments, apply directives and tune machine learning model parameters. I should be able to do this repetitively in order to get accurate model.
  • As a data scientist, I should be able to view, list different experiments, feature stats and model stats
  • As a data scientist, I should be able to deploy and use finalized model for verification and prediction.


In order to support a 


The flow of the machine learning framework in cdap will be as below:

  1. Choose Data(training/test data)
  2. Decide splitting method (Random and others?)
  3. Create an experiment out of split data. This means each experiment is associated with a dataset. After this point, the dataset can not be changed.
  4. Prepare data using data prep and apply directives. These directives will be applied to whole training and test datasets.
  5. Users can see stats about features.
  6. Build model with some parameters. 
  7. Evaluate and repeat steps 4 to 7 till accurate model is created.
  8. Once accurate model is created, deploy the model.
  9. After model is deployed, it will be stored in partitioned fileset and data scientists can use it in pipelines using Predictor plugins.




Approach #1

Approach #2

API changes

New Programmatic APIs

New Java APIs introduced (both user facing and internal)

Deprecated Programmatic APIs


PathMethodDescriptionResponse CodeResponse
/v3/apps/<app-id>GETReturns the application spec for a given application

200 - On success

404 - When application is not available

500 - Any internal errors



Deprecated REST API

/v3/apps/<app-id>GETReturns the application spec for a given application

CLI Impact or Changes

  • Impact #1
  • Impact #2
  • Impact #3

UI Impact or Changes

  • Impact #1
  • Impact #2
  • Impact #3

Security Impact 

What's the impact on Authorization and how does the design take care of this aspect

Impact on Infrastructure Outages 

System behavior (if applicable - document impact on downstream [ YARN, HBase etc ] component failures) and how does the design take care of these aspect

Test Scenarios

Test IDTest DescriptionExpected Results


Release X.Y.Z

Release X.Y.Z

Related Work

  • Work #1
  • Work #2
  • Work #3


Future work