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User Configuration Label

Label Description



User WidgetComment


Label for UI


Account NameFull name of Snowflake account.


FromInternal or external location where the files containing data to be loaded are staged


IntoName of the table into which data is loaded.


SelectOptional SELECT statement used for transformations. Specifies an explicit set of fields/columns (separated by commas) to load from the staged data files. The fields/columns are selected from the files using a standard SQL query. The list must match the sequence of columns in the target table.

CredentialsUsernameLogin name of the user for the connection.


PasswordPassword for the specified user.

Key Pair AuthenticationKey Pair Authentication EnabledIf true, plugin will perform Key Pair authentication.
  • True
  • False

Key File PathPath to the private key file.

pathtextboxDisplayed only if Key Pair Authentication Enabled set to true.
OAuth2OAuth2 EnabledIf true, plugin will perform OAuth2 authentication.
  • True
  • False

Auth URLEndpoint for the authorization server used to retrieve the authorization code.

authUrltextboxDisplayed only if OAuth2 Enabled set to true.

Token URLEndpoint for the resource server, which exchanges the authorization code for an access token.

tokenUrltextboxDisplayed only if OAuth2 Enabled set to true.

Client IDClient identifier obtained during the Application registration process.

clientIdtextboxDisplayed only if OAuth2 Enabled set to true.

Client SecretClient secret obtained during the Application registration process.

clientSecretpasswordDisplayed only if OAuth2 Enabled set to true.

ScopesScope of the access request, which might have multiple space-separated values.

scopestextboxDisplayed only if OAuth2 Enabled set to true.

Refresh TokenToken used to receive accessToken, which is end product of OAuth2.

refreshTokentextboxDisplayed only if OAuth2 Enabled set to true.
Cloud Provider ParametersUse Cloud Provider ParametersIf true, plugin will use specified Cloud Provider Parameters.
  • True
  • False

Cloud Provider
  • GCP
  • AWS
  • Microsoft Azure


cloudProviderradio-groupDisplayed only if Use Cloud Provider Parameters set to true.

Storage IntegrationName of the storage integration used to delegate authentication responsibility for external cloud storage to a Snowflake identity and access management (IAM) entity. For more details, see CREATE STORAGE INTEGRATION.

storageIntegrationtextboxDisplayed only if GCP or AWS Cloud Provider selected.

Key IdKey Id for connecting to AWS and accessing the private/protected S3 bucket where the files to load are staged. For more information, see Configuring Secure Access to AWS S3.

keyIdtextboxDisplayed only if AWS Cloud Provider selected.

Secret KeySecret Key for connecting to AWS and accessing the private/protected S3 bucket where the files to load are staged. For more information, see Configuring Secure Access to AWS S3.

secretKeytextboxDisplayed only if AWS Cloud Provider selected.

TokenToken for connecting to AWS and accessing the private/protected S3 bucket where the files to load are staged. For more information, see Configuring Secure Access to AWS S3.

tokentextboxDisplayed only if AWS Cloud Provider selected.

SAS TokenShared access signature token for connecting to Azure and accessing the private/protected container where the files containing data are staged. Credentials are generated by Azure.

sasTokentextboxDisplayed only if Microsoft Azure Cloud Provider selected.

Files Encrypted
  • True
  • False
FalsefilesEncryptedtoggleDisplayed only if AWS or Microsoft Azure Cloud Provider selected.

Encryption TypeEncryption type used.

For AWS:

  • NONE
  • AWS_SSE_S3

For Azure:

  • NONE

encryptionTypeselectDisplayed only if Files Encrypted set to true.

Master KeyClient-side master key that was used to encrypt the files in the bucket. The master key must be a 128-bit or 256-bit key in Base64-encoded form. Snowflake requires this key to decrypt encrypted files in the bucket and extract data for loading.

masterKeytextboxDisplayed only if to AWS_CSE or AZURE_CSE Encryption Type selected.

Master Key IdAWS Master Key ID.

masterKeyIdtextboxDisplayed only if to AWS_SSE_KMS Encryption Type selected.
AdvancedFile FormatFile FormatOptional parameter to specify the format of the data files to load.
  • Undefined
  • By Name
  • By Type



Format NameExisting named file format to use for loading data into the table. The named file format determines the format type (CSV, JSON, etc.), as well as any other format options, for the data files. For more information, see CREATE FILE FORMAT.

fileFormatNametextboxDisplayed only if 'By Name' File Format selected.

Format TypeType of files to load into the table. If a format type is specified, then additional format-specific options can be specified. For more details, see Format Type Options.
  • CSV
  • JSON
  • AVRO
  • ORC
  • XML

fileFormatTypeselectDisplayed only if 'By Type' File Format selected.

Format Type OptionsFormat-specific options separated by blank spaces, commas, or new lines.


Displayed only if CSV, JSON, AVRO, PARQUET or XML Format Type selected.

ORC does not support any format type options.

AdvancedFilesList of one or more files names (separated by commas) to be loaded. The files must already have been staged in either the Snowflake internal location or external location specified in the command.  The maximum number of files names that can be specified is 1000.


PatternRegular expression pattern string, enclosed in single quotes, specifying the file names and/or paths to match. For the best performance, try to avoid applying patterns that filter on a large number of files.


Copy OptionsOne or more copy options separated by blank spaces, commas, or new lines.


Connection ArgumentsA list of arbitrary string tag/value pairs as connection arguments. See:



Snowflake Data Unloading Action Plugin Properties
