Versions Compared


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Before you begin

Optional. Use this section to provide instructions for any tasks the user needs to do before they begin the rest of the sections in this page.

Doing a task

  1. Go to the Kubernetes Engine page in the tenant project.

  2. Click “connect” and run in the command line:

Code Block
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <CLUSTER-NAME> --region <REGION> --project <TENANT-PROJECT-ID>


3. The UI agent pod can be updated manually if you have a new ui-agent image in the cloud build repo that you want to roll out to a specific tenant project.

  1. SSH into the tenant project cluster following the instructions in the article on How to get thread dump or logs. (The steps depend on whether you have a public or private instance).

  2. Run in the command line to see all deployments


Code Block
kubectl get deployments
  1. and find the deployment that ends with "ui-agent."

Code Block
kubectl get deployments

Image Modified

43. Using the deployment found in step 32, update the ui-agent image to the appropriate version (full list of agent versions can be found in the cloud build repo):

Code Block
kubectl set image deployment/<deployment_name> agent=<UI-Agent-version>


The full list of agent versions can be found in the cloud build repo.


4. Confirm the rollout is successful. To watch/check the status of the rollout:

Code Block
kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment_name>

You may see intermediate steps during the rollout (or not, depending on when you check the status). Once the rollout is complete, you should see an update that the deployment successfully rolled out.


Rolling back

Code Block
kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-name>

Troubleshooting a failed rollout

Status stuck in “X old replicas are pending termination…” for ~5 minutes, followed by error: deployment <deployment-name> exceeded its progress deadline

Check the command used for the rollout (i.e. make sure the version is correctly set to 1.0.1 instead of 1.01).

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