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Cloud SQL is a fully-managed database service that makes it easy to set up, maintain, manage, and administer your relational databases on Google Cloud Platform. You can use Cloud SQL with MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server (currently in beta). Cloud SQL plugins will allow CDAP users to read and write from/to their Cloud SQL instances without any technical knowledge.

Use case(s)

  • As an ETL developer, I would like to read my data in Cloud SQL, so that I can transform it using CDAP
  • As an ETL developer, I want to write the output of my pipeline to Cloud SQL, so that I can use the insights generated from my analytical processes to power my production database in Cloud SQL




  • As a user, I would like to create a pipeline using a Cloud SQL source
  • As a user, I want to create a pipeline using a Cloud SQL sink
  • As a user, I want to only specify a query, project ID and instance name to connect to Cloud SQL, so that I don't have to remember complex JDBC connection string syntax
  • As a user, I want to execute a SQL query on Cloud SQL as part of the control flow in my pipeline
  • As a user, I want to execute a SQL query on Cloud SQL as a notification of my pipeline's completion
  • As a user, I want to create a multi-table source and sink for Cloud SQL so that I can read multiple tables at the same time
  • As a user, I want to connect to Cloud SQL over a proxy.

Plugin Type

  •  Batch Source
  •  Batch Sink 
  •  Real-time Source
  •  Real-time Sink
  •  Action
  •  Post-Run Action
  •  Aggregate
  •  Join
  •  Spark Model
  •  Spark Compute


CloudSQL Postgres Batch Source

This section defines properties that are configurable for this plugin. 

Project ID
SectionUser Facing NameTypeDescriptionConstraintsOptional?Default
Service AccountTextbox

Database usernameTextboxThe username to use to connect to the CloudSQL database

Database passwordPasswordThe password to use to connect to the CloudSQL database

Cloud SQL propertiesDatabase typeRadio buttonMySQL or PostgresNInstance nameSelectSelect the Cloud SQL instance nameCan this be a select, or does it have to be a textbox
Import QueryTextareaThe Query that specifies the data to pull from CloudSQL Postgres
AdvancedBounding queryTextareaThe query to use to derive the bounds (min and max) to use to generate the splits

Split ColumnSelectThe column to split by

Number of splitsNumberThe number of splits to generate

NOTE: Upon selecting either the Collection name or the Query, users should see a button to generate the schema. This should populate the entire 

Additional Connection argumentsKeyvalueA list of keyvalue pairs of connection arguments passed to CloudSQL.

This plugin should also expose all the configuration parameters exposed by the PostgreSQL database plugin, as long as CloudSQL exposes them. Please add them to the above table during development.

Additionally, this should handle all the Postgres Datatypes. The mappings are defined in PostgreSQL database plugin

CloudSQL MySQL Batch Source

This should be identical to the Postgres source in terms of configuration. However, it should have specific handling for all the MySQL Datatypes. All the type mappings in MySQL database plugin should be handled here. Similarly also, it should expose the connection parameters that the MySQL plugin exposes, provided they are available in CloudSQL.

CloudSQL SQLServer Batch Source

This should be identical to the Postgres source in terms of configuration. However, it should have specific handling for all the SQLServer Datatypes. All the type mappings in Microsoft SQL Server database plugin should be handled here. Similarly also, it should expose the connection parameters that the SQLServer plugin exposes, provided they are available in CloudSQL.

CloudSQL Postgres Batch Sink

This section defines properties that are configurable for this plugin. 

SectionUser Facing NameTypeDescriptionConstraintsOptional?Default
CredentialsProject IDTextbox

Service AccountTextbox

Database IdusernameTextboxThe Firestore database Id
Firestore properties
username to use to connect to the CloudSQL database

Database passwordPasswordThe password to use to connect to the CloudSQL database

Cloud SQL propertiesInstance nameSelectSelect the collection to write the data toCloud SQL instance nameCan this be a select, or does it have to be a textboxN
Document Table nameTextThe table to write data to.

Transaction Isolation LevelSelectSpecifies the document to load the data to. Should be shown only when a collection has been selectedTransaction isolation level for queries run by this sinkPossible values: TRANSACTION_NONE, TRANSACTION_UNCOMMITTED, TRANSACTION_COMMITTED, TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLEY
Connection TimeoutNumberThe timeout value used for socket connect operations. If connecting to the server takes longer than this value, the connection is broken. The timeout is specified in seconds and a value of zero means that it is disabled
Additional connection propertiesKeyvalueThe number of splits to generate

Similar to the source, this should also handle all the mappings, and expose any additional properties from the PostgreSQL database plugin

CloudSQL MySQL Sink

The properties should be similar to the PostgreSQL source, but it should expose any additional properties from the MySQL database plugin, and support all the type mappings from there as well

CloudSQL SQLServer Sink

The properties should be similar to the PostgreSQL source, but it should expose any additional properties from the Microsoft SQL Server database plugin, and support all the type mappings from there as well

CloudSQL Postgres Action

This section defines properties that are configurable for this plugin. 

SectionUser Facing NameTypeDescriptionConstraintsOptional?Default
CredentialsProject IDTextbox

Service AccountTextbox

Database usernameTextboxThe username to use to connect to the CloudSQL database

Database passwordPasswordThe password to use to connect to the CloudSQL database

Cloud SQL propertiesInstance nameSelectSelect the Cloud SQL instance nameCan this be a select, or does it have to be a textbox
Database commandTextareaThe database command to run

Additional Connection argumentsKeyvalueA list of keyvalue pairs of connection arguments passed to CloudSQL.
Connection TimeoutSelectThe timeout value used for socket connect operations. If connecting to the server takes longer than this value, the connection is broken. The timeout is specified in seconds and a value of zero means that it is disabled
Number of splitsNumberThe number of splits to generate

CloudSQL MySQL Action

Exposes similar configuration to the Postgres plugin, but also exposes any other prominent properties from MySQL database plugin

CloudSQL SQLServer Action

Exposes similar configuration to the Postgres plugin, but also exposes any other prominent properties from Microsoft SQL Server database plugin

Design / Implementation Tips






Future Work

  • Some future work – HYDRATOR-99999
  • Another future work – HYDRATOR-99999

Test Case(s)

  • Test case #1
  • Test case #2

Sample Pipeline

Please attach one or more sample pipeline(s) and associated data. 

Pipeline #1

Pipeline #2

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


  •  User stories documented 
  •  User stories reviewed 
  •  Design documented 
  •  Design reviewed 
  •  Feature merged 
  •  Examples and guides 
  •  Integration tests 
  •  Documentation for feature 
  •  Short video demonstrating the feature