Table of Contents |
- User Stories Documented
- User Stories Reviewed
- Design Reviewed
- APIs reviewed
- Release priorities assigned
- Test cases reviewed
- Blog post
This addition will allow users to see the history of directives made to a column of data.
User should be able to see lineage information, ie. directives, for columns
Storing lineage information should have minimal/no impact to the wrangler application
User Stories
As a user, I should be able to see the directives applied to a column of data.
As a user, I should be able to see the directives applied to a column of data over any period of time.
- As a user, I should be able to see how any column got to its current state as well as other columns that were impacted by it
As a user, I should be able to add tags and properties to specific columns of data (stretch)
Save directives for each column in AST format after parsing of directives along with necessary information (time, dataset/stream name/id, etc.).Use TMS input and output schemas.
prepareRun() api to send information to platform.Unmarshal
***release 4.4 onwards implementations can be found in branches feature/implement-transform-publishLineage and feature/field-level-lineage***
Unmarshall and connect into graph and store in HBase.
Access to lineage should only be available through the platform
- How to get source and sink datasets?
- How to ensure this works with multiple transform nodes, even just wrangler nodes?
- Does ParseTree have all necessary information for every directive?
Approach #1:
Store directives during execution of each step
- Less assumptions
- Add getter to each step class + sometimes (~30%) local variable
- Slower
Approach #2 (Preferred):
Compute lineage without looking at data by backtracking
- No instance variables added to step classes
- Faster
- Requires stricter rule on directives, ie. every rename must give old and new name. See * below for why
- More assumption based, ie. parse-as-<> assumes that the output fields are from all the input fields
*Backtrack starting with columns A,B,C. Previous directive is "set-columns A B C". The directive before that is "lowercase <column>" where <column> is nameOfOwner. No way of knowing what nameOfOwner refers to without looking at data.
API changes
New Programmatic APIs
FieldLevelLineage is a Java class that contains all the necessary information to be sent to the CDAP platform
- Each directive implements `public MutationDefinition lineage()`
- prepareRun() function in creates FieldLevelLineage instance and sends it to CDAP
- CDAP receives all instances of FieldLevelLineage from all transform stages and takes 4 variables to build graph:
- ProgramRunId
- PipelinePhase
- Mapping of stage name to FieldLevelLineage for all transform stages
- Mapping of stage name to Dataset name for sources and sinks
- Graph is generated and stored in HBase in a way that is easily accessible to UI
API changes
New Programmatic APIs:
TransformStep is a Java interface that represents a modification done to a dataset by a transform stage.
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* <p>
* A TransformStep represents a modification done by a Transform.
* </p>
public interface TransformStep {
* @return the name of this modification
String getName();
* @return additional information about this modification
String getInformation();
} |
FieldLevelLineage is a Java interface that contains all the necessary field-level lineage information to be sent to the CDAP platform, for transform stages.
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import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* <p>FieldLevelLineage is a DataType for computing lineage for each field in a dataset.
* An instance of this type can be sent to be sent to platform through API for transform stages.</p>
public interface FieldLevelLineage {
* <p>A BranchingTransformStepNode represents a linking between a {@link TransformStep} and a field of data.
* It contains data about how this TransformStep affected this field.</p>
interface BranchingTransformStepNode {
* @return the index of the TransformStep in {@link #getSteps()}
int getTransformStepNumber();
* @return true if this TransformStep does not add this field
boolean continueBackward(); // continue down
* @return true if this TransformStep does not drop this field
boolean continueForward(); // continue up
* This map should contain every other field that was impacted by this field in this TransformStep
* @return A map from field name to the index of the next TransformStep using {@link #getLineage()}
* Usage: getLineage().get(field).get(index).
Map<String, Integer> getImpactedBranches(); // getUpBranches
* This map should contain every other field that impacted this field with this TransformStep
* @return A map from field name to the index of the previous transformation step in {@link #getLineage()}
* Usage: getLineage().get(field).get(index).
Map<String, Integer> getImpactingBranches(); // getDownBranches
* @return a list of all TransformSteps executed by this Transform in order.
List<TransformStep> getSteps();
* @return a mapping of field names to a list of {@link BranchingTransformStepNode} in reverse order.
Map<String, List<BranchingTransformStepNode>> getLineage();
} |
Instance should be initialized per wrangler node passing in a list of final columns after executing the directives.storestart and end columns (input and output schema).
build() takes a ParseTree List<MutationDefinition> and stores all the necessary information into lineages.
Stores lineage for each column in lineage instance variable which is a map to ASTs.
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/** * WranglerFieldLevelLineage is a data type for computing lineage for all columns in Wrangler. * An instance of this type to be sent to platform through prepareRun API. */ public final class WranglerFieldLevelLineage implements FieldLevelLineage { private class BranchingStepNode {/** * A WranglerBranchingStepNode is a data type for linking columns to directives as well as other columns. */ public final class WranglerBranchingStepNode implements BranchingTransformStepNode { private final int stepNumber; private boolean continueUp; private boolean continueDown; private final Step directive;Map<String, Integer> upBranches; private final Map<String, Integer> branchesdownBranches; // constructors, toString()private WranglerBranchingStepNode(int stepNumber, boolean continueUp, boolean continueDown) { } privatethis.stepNumber String= dataSetNamestepNumber; // dataset/stream name/id private finalthis.continueUp long= startTimecontinueUp; private finalthis.continueDown String= programNamecontinueDown; privatethis.upBranches final= String[] finalColumns;new HashMap<>(); private final Set<String> currentColumns; // not sure if needed depending on parse tree implementation private final Map<String, List<BranchingStepNode>> lineage; // main storage this.downBranches = new HashMap<>(); } // Internal functions @Override public int getTransformStepNumber() { return stepNumber; } @Override public boolean continueBackward() { return continueUp; } @Override public boolean FieldLevelLineage(String dataSetName, String[] columnNames) {...} // getters for startTime, programName, dataSetName, finalColumns // setter for dataSetName // Helpers for storecontinueForward() { return continueDown; } @Override public Map<String, Integer> getImpactedBranches() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(downBranches); } @Override public Map<String, Integer> getImpactingBranches() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(upBranches); } @Override public voidString storetoString(ParseTree tree) { List<String> readCols, addCols, modifyCols, dropCols, renameCols, swapCols; /** * Go through tree one directive at a time * For each column associated with the directive put name of column into associated list based on label * From these 6 lists store correctly into lineage */ } } |
return "(StepNumber: " + stepNumber + ", Continue Backward: " + continueUp + ", " + upBranches +
", Continue Forward: " + continueDown + ", " + downBranches + ")";
private final List<TransformStep> steps;
private final Map<String, List<BranchingTransformStepNode>> lineage;
// Internal functions
// Shows lineage in tree format
void prettyPrint(String column, boolean forward) {...}
public List<TransformStep> getSteps() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.steps);
public Map<String, List<BranchingTransformStepNode>> getLineage() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.lineage);
public String toString() {
return "Column Directives: " + lineage + "\n" + "Steps: " + steps;
* Builder class for {@link WranglerFieldLevelLineage}.
public static class Builder {
// Internal functions
public Builder(List<String> startColumns, List<String> finalColumns) {...}
public WranglerFieldLevelLineage build(List<MutationDefinition> parseTree) throws LineageGenerationException {...}
} |
parseTree should contain all columns affected per directive.
- All columns should be labeled one of: {Read, Drop, Modify, Add, Swap, Rename}
- Read: column's name or values are read but not changed. Including reading values and modifying. ie. "filter-rows-on..."
- Drop: column is dropped
- Add: column is added
- Swap: column's name is swapped with the name of another column
- Rename: column's name is replaced with another name
- Modify: column's values altered and doesn't fit in any of the other categories, ie. "lowercase"
For Read, Drop, Modify, and Add the column and associated label should be something like -> Column: Name, Label: add.
For Swap and Rename the column and associated label should be something like -> Column: body_5 DOB, Label: rename. // Basically some way of having both names, currently using a space. Old/new for rename, . Swap example: A / B for swap.
For Read, Modify, and Add there is another option; instead of column name can return {"all columns", "all columns minus _ _ _ _ ", "all columns formatted %s_%d"}, along with label. ie. Column: "all columns minus body", Label: add. "all columns" refers to all columns present in dataset after execution of this step.
For Swap, Rename, and Drop this option is not available; must explicitly return name of all columns involved.
, Label: rename and B A, Label: rename.
**Assumption (can be changed): In ParseTree all columns should be in order of impact. ie. If directive is "copy A A_copy". "A, Label: read" should be before "A_copy, Label: add".
Algorithm visual: Example wrangler application application --> forward lineage --> List for name column
backward lineage
FieldLevelLineageStorageNode (IN BRANCH feature/field-level-lineage-storage):
FieldLevelLineageStorageNode is a Java interface that represents an element being stored in HBase.
These nodes are created and connected in an AST format by FieldLevelLineageStorageGraph.
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* <p>A FieldLevelLineageStorageNode represents a node of field-level lineage information.</p>
public interface FieldLevelLineageStorageNode {
* @return the ID of the pipeline
ProgramRunId getPipeline();
* @return the name of the stage
String getStage();
* @return the name of the field
String getField();
FieldLevelLineageStorageGraph (IN BRANCH feature/field-level-lineage-storage):
FieldLevelLineageStorageGraph is a Java class that transforms many instances of FieldLevelLineage into a graph of FieldLevelLineageStorageNodes for storage.
One instance of this type should be created per pipeline. Created from many instances of FieldLevelLineage, some graph representation of the pipeline, a mapping between reference names and stage names for sources/sinks, and ProgramRunId.
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import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public final class FieldLevelLineageStorageGraph {
private final ProgramRunId pipelineId;
private final PipelinePhase pipeline; // Or another type of graph of the pipeline
private final Map<String, FieldLevelLineage> stages;
private final Map<String, String> stageToDataSet;
private final Map<FieldLevelLineageStorageNode, FieldLevelLineageStorageNode> nodeRetriever;
private final Table<String, String, DataSetFieldNode> history; // Storage
private final Map<FieldStepNode, TransformStep> stepInformation; // Storage
private final ListMultimap<FieldLevelLineageStorageNode, FieldLevelLineageStorageNode> pastEdges; // Storage
private final ListMultimap<FieldLevelLineageStorageNode, FieldLevelLineageStorageNode> futureEdges; // Storage
public FieldLevelLineageStorageGraph(ProgramRunId PipelineId, PipelinePhase pipeline,
Map<String, FieldLevelLineage> stages, Map<String, String> stageToDataSet) {
this.pipelineId = PipelineId;
this.pipeline = pipeline;
this.stages = stages;
this.stageToDataSet = stageToDataSet;
this.nodeRetriever = new HashMap<>();
this.history = HashBasedTable.create();
this.stepInformation = new HashMap<>();
this.pastEdges = ArrayListMultimap.create();
this.futureEdges = ArrayListMultimap.create();
// helpers for make()
private void make() {...} // makes the graph
} |
Publishing Lineage Information:
Will be done through new prepareRun() function in the Transform class and new recordLineage(FieldLevelLineage f) function in StageSubmitter interface. Each transform plugin stage will have option to publish field-level lineage.
Wrangler Example:
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public void prepareRun(StageSubmitter<TransformContext> context) throws Exception {
if (context.getContext().getArguments().has("enable.wrangler.field.lineage")) {
List<String> startColumns, endColumns;
Schema inputSchema, outputSchema;
inputSchema = context.getContext().getInputSchema();
outputSchema = context.getContext().getOutputSchema();
if (inputSchema == null || inputSchema.getFields() == null) {
startColumns = new ArrayList<>(0);
} else {
startColumns = new ArrayList<>(inputSchema.getFields().size());
for (Schema.Field field : inputSchema.getFields()) {
if (outputSchema == null || outputSchema.getFields() == null) {
endColumns = new ArrayList<>(0);
} else {
endColumns = new ArrayList<>(outputSchema.getFields().size());
for (Schema.Field field : outputSchema.getFields()) {
FieldLevelLineage f;
store = new DefaultTransientStore();
registry = new CompositeDirectiveRegistry(
new SystemDirectiveRegistry(),
new UserDirectiveRegistry(context.getContext())
RecipeParser directives = new GrammarBasedParser(new MigrateToV2(config.directives).migrate(), registry);
ExecutorContext ctx = new WranglerPipelineContext(ExecutorContext.Environment.TRANSFORM,
context.getContext(), store);
try {
// Create the pipeline executor with context being set.
pipeline = new RecipePipelineExecutor();
pipeline.initialize(directives, ctx);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception(
String.format("Stage:%s - %s", context.getContext().getStageName(), e.getMessage())
try {
f = (new WranglerFieldLevelLineage.Builder(startColumns, endColumns)).build(pipeline.lineage());
} catch (LineageGenerationException e) {
String.format("Unable to generate lineage: %s", e.getMessage())
f = null;
"Field-level lineage generated"
// context.recordLineage(f);
... |
Path | Method | Description | Response |
/v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/columns/{column-id}/lineage?start=<start-ts>&end=<end-ts>&maxLevels=<max-levels> | GET | Returns list of directives applied to the specified column in the specified dataset | 200: Successful Response TBD, but will contain a Tree representation |
/v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/columns/{column-id}/lineage?start=<start-ts>&end=<end-ts>&maxLevels=<max-levels> | GET | Returns list of directives applied to the specified column in the specified stream | 200: Successful Response TBD, but will contain a Tree representation |
CLI Impact or Changes
UI Impact or Changes
- Option 2: Add interface to metadata table when viewing dataset to see lineage of columns possibly by clicking on column: -> When a column is clicked on will look something like:
-> - Option 2: Show all columns at once directly on lineage tab from clicking on dataset, tab between field level and dataset level:
Security Impact
Should be none, TBD
Future Work
Taking this work to completion is seen in branches 'feature/implement-transform-publishLineage' and 'feature/field-level-lineage'.
These branches show implementations of recordLineage as well as the graph that can be used to join many instances of FieldLevelLineage together.
Beginnings of designing data sets for storing the information in HBase is present in 'feature/field-level-lineage'.
Impact on Infrastructure Outages
Storage in HBase. Key being dataset reference name + field name + ProgramRunId. For each pipeline a node is added to this key; Impact TBD.
Test Scenarios
Test ID | Test Description | Expected Results |
1 | Tests all directives | All Step Directive subclasses should be properly parsed containing all correct columns with correct labels |
2 | Multiple datasets/streams | Lineages are correctly shown between different datasets/streams |
3 | Tests all storebuild() | FieldLevelLineage.storebuild() always correctly stores step |
Release 4.3.0
Release 4.4.0
Related Work
- Fixing TextDirectives and parsing of directives in general