Versions Compared


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Goal : Introduce the ability in CDAP Programs to create streams, datasets or register the use of Plugins. 

Use Case:

  • Outside of Adapters ETL Artifacts - In regular CDAP applications:

    Say we want to write to write a stream that is used only in a Worker. Instead of adding the Stream in an Application level, we can look add it the Worker level.

    Code Block
    public class MyApp extends AbstractApplication { 
      void configure() {
        addWorker(new MyWorker());
    public class MyWorker extends AbstractWorker {
      void configure() {
        addStream(new Stream("random"));
      public void run() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
          getContext().write("random", Integer.toString( i ));
  • Inside ETLArtifacts:


    Code Block
    public class MyApp extends AbstractApplication<ETLBatchConfig> { 
      void configure() {
        addMapReduce(new ETLMapReduce(getConfig()));
    public class ETLMapReduce extends AbstractMapReduce {
      private ETLBatchConfig config;
      public ETLMapReduce(ETLBatchConfig config) {
    	this.config = config;
      void configure() {
    	BatchSource batchSource = usePlugin("batchSource",, "source",;
        BatchSink batchSink = usePlugin("batchSink",, "sink",;
        // Wrap the configurer to expose only the addition of stream/dataset/plugin and delegate it to MapReduceConfigurer
        ETLStageConfigurer configurer = new ETLStageConfigurer(getConfigurer()); 
      void beforeSubmit() {
         // ... Invoke the prepareRun of all the plugins

Status Quo: Currently, we have the ability to create streams, datasets only at CDAP Application level. And Plugins can be registered only in Adapters (through AdapterConfigurer). So if we want to remove the concept of Application Templates and Adapters, we have couple of options:

i) Introduce the ability to register plugins in Application's configure method.


  1. Worker:

    Code Block
    public class SimpleWorker extends AbstractWorker {
      public void configure() {
        createDataset("etlrealtimestate", KeyValueTable.class);
        addStream(new Stream("hello"));
        addDatasetModule("abcModule", ABCModule.class);
        usePlugin("realtimesource", "kafka", "source", PluginProperties.EMPTY);
        usePlugin("realtimesink", "stream", "sink", PluginProperties.EMPTY);
  2. MapReduce:

    Very similar to what Worker looks like.

  3.  Flows and Flowlets: 

    Code Block
    public static class SimpleFlow extends AbstractFlow { 
      public void configureFlow() {
        addFlowlet("abc", new SimpleFlowlet());
        addStream(new Stream("hello"));
        connectStream("hello", "abc");
    public static class SimpleFlowlet extends AbstractFlowlet {
      public void configure() {
        createDataset("data", KeyValueTable.class);
