User Stories
consumerKey: Application Consumer Key. This is also known as the OAuth client id. A Salesforce connected application must be created in order to get a consumer key.
consumerSecret: Client Secret from the connected app Application Consumer Secret. This is also known as the OAuth client secret. A Salesforce connected application must be created in order to get a client secret.
username: Username to use when connecting to Salesforce.
password: Password to use when connecting to Salesforce.
loginUrl: Salesforce login URL to authenticate against. The default value is This should be changed when running against the Salesforce sandbox.
objects - Objects to read change events from (For example: Task for base object and Employee__c for custom) separated by ",". If list is empty then subscription for all events will be used.
- Offset for event's topic is not supported
- Transactional operations are not supported yet
Salesforce CDC API will be used for realtime plugin.
Cometd BayeuxClient is used to subscribe to events.