When objects have lots of (e.g. 800) attributes, the SOQL for these objects can hit URL length limits. This page documents an approach to handle this limit, by splitting attributes into multiple batches, without the knowledge of users
Use case(s)
I have a Salesforce object with over 800 attributes. When I send a SOQL query for this object with all attributes in it to the Salesforce APIs, I hit URL length limits. To get around this situation, I have wrapped my code for querying Salesforce into a script that retrieves data for an object in batches, and then joins the batches together. This process is extremely manual, custom, one-off and error prone, and therefore extremely hard to manage and maintain. I would like the ability to for the Salesforce plugins in CDAP to batch the attributes before submitting the SOQL to Salesforce, and handle this grunt work automatically.
User Storie(s)
Plugin Type
This is not a new plugin, but enhancements to existing plugins.
This section defines properties that are configurable for this plugin.
User Facing Name
Design / Implementation Tips
Tip #1
Tip #2
Future Work
Some future work – HYDRATOR-99999
Another future work – HYDRATOR-99999
Test Case(s)
Test case #1
Test case #2
Sample Pipeline
Please attach one or more sample pipeline(s) and associated data.