Find and delete unused persistent disk (PD)

Find and delete unused persistent disk (PD)

Before you begin

Make sure you have gcloud CLI installed.

Checking for unused PD

To see all PD in a specific project with no user in order of descending creation time:

gcloud compute disks list --project=<project id> --sort-by="creationTimestamp desc" --filter="-users:*"

The filter can also be modified to find PD created in a specific time range, i.e. filter="-users:* AND creationTimestamp>2020-01-30"

More information on gcloud topic filters can be found in the gcloud CLI documentation.

Deleting unused PD

To delete all unused PD in a specific project and region:

DISKS=`gcloud --project=<project id> compute disks list --filter="-users:*" --format='value(name)'` && gcloud --project=<project-id> compute disks delete ${DISKS} --region=<region>