Tracker Backend Design
Storing Audit Log
- Goal: Read AuditLog messages from Kafka and write messages to Table dataset.
- Reusing the MetadataConsumer flowlet from the Navigator App to handle reading messages from Kafka
- New Flowlet (AuditLogPublisher) for writing Kafka messages to Dataset
- Dataset is a Table class
- Dataset key format: <namespace>-<type>-<name>-<messageTimeLong>
- Dataset Columns:
- timestamp - Long - timestamp of the message generated
- entityId - EntityId - the entity id that the message refers to. Only entity types with a namespace are supported.
- user - String - the name of the user that generated the message. If the user blank, a default value of "unknown" is inserted.
- actionType - String - The type of action that was taken. For more details, see: Audit information publishing
- entityKind - String - The EntityType from the id, lowercase
- entityName - String - The name of the Entity
- metadata - AuditPayload - The change that was made, either a metadata change or an access. For all other types, the payload is empty
Reading Audit Log
- Goal: Expose the AuditLog dataset as a REST API for consumption by the UI
HTTP Request Type
Request Params
Response Status
Response Body
GET /namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/Tracker/services/AuditLog/methods/auditlog type - REQUIRED name - REQUIRED startTime - OPTIONAL - default is 0 endTime - OPTIONAL - default is Now() offset - OPTIONAL - default is 0 pageSize - OPTIONAL - default is 10 200 returns the audit log entries requested
500 error while searching
{ totalResults: 1, results: [{ time: 1457467029557, entityId: { namespace: "default", application: "testCubeAdapter", type: "Workflow", program: "ETLWorkflow", entity: "PROGRAM" }, user: "unknown", type: "METADATA_CHANGE", payload: { previous: { SYSTEM: { properties: { }, tags: [ ] } }, additions: { SYSTEM: { properties: { }, tags: [ "ETLMapReduce", "Batch", "Workflow", "ETLWorkflow" ] } }, deletions: { SYSTEM: { properties: { }, tags: [ ] } } } }] offset: 0 }