Hubspot plugins


HubSpot is a developer and marketer of software products for inbound marketing and sales. HubSpot is an inbound marketing and sales platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Its products and services aim to provide tools for social media marketing, content management, web analytics, CRM and search engine optimization. They expose an API that allows you to build an integration to their CRM software. The plugins will allow users to pull data from HubSpot CRM, and use it in CDAP pipelines to enrich and synthesize with other data.

User Storie(s)

  • As a pipeline developer, I would like to pull data from an object in HubSpot in a streaming pipeline, so that I can transform, enrich and synthesize it in a data pipeline.
  • As a pipeline developer, I would like to post data to an object in HubSpot in a batch or streaming pipeline, so that I can update HubSpot with my enriched data.
  • As a pipeline developer, I would like to pull data from an object in HubSpot in a batch pipeline, so that I can transform, enrich and synthesize it in a data pipeline.
  • As a pipeline developer, for both batch and streaming sources, I would like the schema to be auto-populated based on the selected objects.
  • As a pipeline developer, for all interactions with HubSpot, I would like HubSpot's API limits to be handled by the framework, so that I do not have to worry about them. (

Plugin Type

  • Batch Source
  • Batch Sink 
  • Real-time Source
  • Real-time Sink
  • Action
  • Post-Run Action
  • Aggregate
  • Join
  • Spark Model
  • Spark Compute


Streaming Source 

User Facing NameTypeDescriptionOptional?DefaultConstraints
App IdStringOAuth2 App IDNo

API KeyStringOAuth2 API KeyNo

Object(s) to pullselectSelect from Contact Lists, Contacts, Email Events, Email Subscription, Recent Campaigns, Analytics, Companies, Deals, Deal Pipelines, Marketing Email, Products, TicketsYesAnalytics
Pull frequencyselect15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 4 hour, 8 hoursYes30 min
Number of API calls per daynumberThe number of API calls to make per day, to avoid hitting HubSpot's rate limitsYes10000

Batch sink

User Facing NameTypeDescriptionOptional?DefaultConstraints
App IdStringOAuth2 App IDNo

API KeyStringOAuth2 API KeyNo

Object to post toselectSelect from Contact Lists, Contacts, Email Events, Email Subscription, Recent Campaigns, Analytics, Companies, Deals, Deal Pipelines, Marketing Email, Products, TicketsNo

Number of API calls per daynumberThe number of API calls to make per day, to avoid hitting HubSpot's rate limitsYes10000

Batch Source 

User Facing NameTypeDescriptionOptional?DefaultConstraints
API KeyStringOAuth2 API KeyNo

Object(s) to pullmulti-selectSelect from Contact Lists, Contacts, Email Events, Email Subscription, Recent Campaigns, Analytics, Companies, Deals, Deal Pipelines, Marketing Email, Products, TicketsYesAnalytics
Report Typeselect
Analytics report target to get data for.
Report Contentselect

The analytics report type of content that you want to get data for. Must be one of:

  • landing-pages - Pull data for landing pages.
  • standard-pages - Pull data for website pages.
  • blog-posts - Pull data for individual blog posts.
  • listing-pages - Pull data for blog listing pages.
  • knowledge-articles - Pull data for knowledge base articles.

Report Categoryselect

The analytics report category used to break down the analytics data. Must be one of:

  • totals - Data will be the totals rolled up from
  • sessions - Data broken down by session details
  • sources - Data broken down by traffic source
  • geolocation - Data broken down by geographic location
  • utm-:utm_type - Data broken down by the standard UTM parameters. :utm_type must be one of campaigns, contents, mediums, sources, or terms (i.e. utm-campaigns).

Report Type of object:select

The analytics report type of object that you want the analytics data for. Must be one of:

  • event-completions - Get data for analytics events. The results are broken down by the event ID. You can get the details for the events using this endpoint.
  • forms - Get data for your HubSpot forms. The results are broken down by form guids. You can get the details for the forms through the Forms API.
  • pages - Get data for all URLs with data collected by HubSpot tracking code. The results are broken down by URL.
  • social-assists - Get data for messages published through the social publishing tools. The results are broken down by the broadcastGuid of the messages. You can get the details of those messages through the Social Media API.

Time Periodselect

 The time period used to group the data. Must be one of:

  • total - Data is rolled up to totals covering the specified time.
  • daily - Grouped by day
  • weekly - Grouped by week
  • monthly - Grouped by month
  • summarize/daily - Grouped by day, data is rolled up across all breakdowns
  • summarize/weekly - Grouped by week, data is rolled up across all breakdowns
  • summarize/monthly - Grouped by month, data is rolled up across all breakdowns

NOTE: When using daily, weekly, or monthly for the time_period, you must include at least one filter

Start DateStringStart date for the report data. YYYYMMDD format.Yes

End DateStringEnd date for the report data. YYYYMMDD format.Yes

Filter the analytics report data to include only the specified breakdowns.Yes

Design / Implementation Tips

  • Tip #1
  • Tip #2






Future Work

  • Some future work – HYDRATOR-99999
  • Another future work – HYDRATOR-99999

Test Case(s)

  • Test case #1
  • Test case #2

Sample Pipeline

Please attach one or more sample pipeline(s) and associated data. 

Pipeline #1

Pipeline #2

Table of Contents


  • User stories documented 
  • User stories reviewed 
  • Design documented 
  • Design reviewed 
  • Feature merged 
  • Examples and guides 
  • Integration tests 
  • Documentation for feature 
  • Short video demonstrating the feature