FileManagment Plugins - FileCompress / FileDecompress


To support use cases of migrating files from OnPrem to Google cloud there is a need to for comphrensive file handling capabilities. This includes FileList, FileCompression, FileDecompression, FileEncryption , FileDecryption etc.  There are few file level plugins available in CDAP like FileMove, FileDelete and this needs to be expanded. 

UseCase 1

Proposed Design 

  1. FileList Plugin - BatchSource Plugin  - Implement a new FileList plugin ( Batchsource plugin) with similar capability of the current FileSource plugin but instead of actually reading the file contents  it would just pass the filenames with full URI to be used for processing the following actions in pipeline. 
  2. FileCompressEncrypt Sink Plugin -  SparkSink Plugin -   Implement a new plugin of type SparkSink that will read the filename's from the FileList plugin , will compress the file using gzip / snappy then encrypt the file using PGP Public key and persist to Google Cloud storage or HDFS or FileSystem. 

FileList Plugin 

This is a Batchsource plugin similar to current FileSource Plugin but only list the filenames with full URI and not actually read the contents of the file. 

Plugin Properties






Path - Provide the path for the File or Directory. ( Text Field)

This should also support other file sources like FTP / SFTP etc

Recursive ProcessingBooleanList Files Recursively ( Boolean ) True / False



FileNameStringRecord with FileName with full URI


  • If SFTP or FTP needs to be supported then its not clear how the credential information can be shared to the next step in the process. 

FileCompressEncrypt Plugin

This plugin will take input file name thats passed from the FileList Plugin, Get the fileInputStream using the URI and then using Gzip or Snappy libs compress the file , encrypt the file using PGP public key and persist the file. 

Plugin Properties




Input FileName


Full Name of File including path ( URI)

Compress FileBooleanTrue / False
Compression AlgorithmString ( List)Gzip / Snappy. Applicable only if above Compress File is set to true
Encrypt FileBooleanTrue
PGP Public Key PathStringLocation of PGP public key. Path to File
PGP Public Key Access UseridStringUserid to access the public key incase security is enabled

PGP Public Key Access


StringPassword to access the key file

Path to store the output file from sync. The output filename will follow the format of <InputfileName Suffix>.gz.pgp

The file path URI can contain filesystem , Hdfs, gcs - google file system or cloud store.

MoveInputBooleanTrue / False - Move the source input file to a different path so the next run of the pipeline the same file will not be processed.
MoveFilePathStringPath to move the input on successful processing of the file.


  1. What is the best approach to track processed files so they are not processed again.  Proposing moving the input files after successful processing to a different directory so they dont get processed again in the next run. 

Usecase 2

FileDecompressDecrypt Plugin

The plugin support decrypting  files using PGP Public key and decompress file. 

Plugin Properties






Path containing file name or directory of files.

Recursive ProcessingBooleanTrue / False

DeCompress FileBooleanTrue / False

DeCompression AlgorithmString ( List)Gzip / Snappy. Applicable only if above Compress File is set to true

DeEncrypt FileBooleanTrue

PGP Private Key PathStringLocation of PGP public key. Path to File

PGP Private Key Access UseridStringUserid to access the public key incase security is enabled

PGP Private Key Access


StringPassword to access the key file

MoveInputBooleanTrue / False - Move the source input file to a different path so the next run of the pipeline the same file will not be processed.

MoveFilePathStringPath to move the input on successful processing of the file.



OutputStringEach Row from the file read.