Versions Compared


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U1As a user, I should be able to search Datasets containing the specified fieldsList the kinds of queries that will be supported
U2As a CDAP system, I should be able to annotate CDAP entities with system metadata automatically

System metadata for each entity is listed below

U3As a user, I should be able to access and update CDAP metadata using the CDAP CLI 
U4As a developer, I should be able to access and update CDAP metadata using the CDAP Test Framework 
U5As a user, I should be able to search CDAP entities based on metadata using the CDAP UI 
U6As a user, I should be able to view the lineage of a CDAP dataset/stream in a specified time window using the CDAP UI 


New Metadata Search:

Metadata Storage and Search to support:

  1. Key-Value Metadata:
    1. Codename: Alpha Tango Charlie
      Supported searches:
      1. Whole Key-Value


Tags: Tag1, Tag2


      1. (complete or partial) - Codename: Alpha Tango Charlie or Codename: Alpha Tang*
      2. Key with Part of Value (complete or partial) - Codename: Alpha or Codename: Tango or Codename: Charlie or Codename: Alp*
      3. Whole Value (complete or partial): Alpha Tango Charlie or Alpha* or Alpha Tan*
      4. Parts of value (complete or partial): Alpha or Tango or Charlie or Alph* or Tan* or Ch*

  1. Tags Metadata:
    1. Tags: Tag1, Tag22
      Supported searches:
      1. With tags key and a tag value (complete or partial): Tags: Tag1 or Tags: Tag*
      2. With tag value complete or partial: Tag22 or  Tag2*

  2. Schema Metadata: This is just key-value where key is schema and value schema fields but needs special indexing to support searches with fieldName and fieldName:fieldType.
    1. Schema: {EmpName: String, EmpContact: {EmpTel: Integer, EmpAddr: String}} (Note: This is a nested schema)
      Supported searches:
      1. FieldName with FieldType: EmpName: String or EmpTel:Integer or EmpAddr: String
      2. FieldName: EmpName, EmpTel, EmpAddr




Real Table


Main Table: This table stores stores the metadata for the entity. It will be used when an user wants to get metadata of an entity. This table is not for searching. 

Key: Entity with keyValue: Value of Metadata
<Entity-Id><CodeName>Alpha Tango Charlie
<Entity-Id><Tags>{Tag1, Tag2Tag22}
<Entity-Id><Schema-Id>{field1: fieldtype1, field2: fieldtype2{EmpName: String, EmpContact: {EmpTel: Integer, EmpAddr: String}}


Index Table: This table will be used for searching and it will use IndexedTable.

Key: Entity with indexValue:


Author: Rohit Sinha<Entity-Id>
Author: Rohit<Entity-Id>
Author: Sinha<Entity-Id>
Rohit Sinha<Entity-Id>
<Entity-Id><CodeName: Alpha Tango Charlie>CodeName: Alpha Tango Charlie
<Entity-Id><Codename: Alpha>Codename: Alpha
<Entity-Id><Codename: Tango>Codename: Tango
<Entity-Id><Codename: Charlie>Codename: Charlie
<Entity-Id><Alpha Tango Charlie>Alpha Tango Charlie
<Entity-Id><Tags: Tag1>Tags: Tag1
<Entity-Id><Tags: Tag22>Tags: Tag22




System Metadata

Kinds of system metadata:
