Metadata and Data Discovery 3.3


This page covers the requirements, design and implementation of metadata and data discovery features in 3.3

High Level Requirements

  1. Schema as metadata
  2. System metadata
  3. CLI, Test Framework Support for metadata
  4. UI for Metadata Search
  5. UI for Lineage
  6. UI for Adding/Updating metadata properties/tags
  7. Metadata search
  8. Lineage based on Type of Dataset Access
  9. Monitoring/Logs for Metadata Service


  1. Schema as metadata
  2. System metadata
  3. Metadata CLI
  4. Test Framework support for Metadata
  5. UI (needs to be finalized)

User Stories

U1As a user, I should be able to search Datasets containing the specified fieldsList the kinds of queries that will be supported
U2As a CDAP system, I should be able to annotate CDAP entities with system metadata automatically

System metadata for each entity is listed below

U3As a user, I should be able to access and update CDAP metadata using the CDAP CLI 
U4As a developer, I should be able to access and update CDAP metadata using the CDAP Test Framework 
U5As a user, I should be able to search CDAP entities based on metadata using the CDAP UI 
U6As a user, I should be able to view the lineage of a CDAP dataset/stream in a specified time window using the CDAP UI 

System Metadata

Kinds of system metadata:




  • Artifact name


  • Type of program


  • Type of dataset
  • Schema
  • RecordScannable/BatchWritable/RecordWritable/BatchReadable
  • Other properties


  • Format


  • Format

Design Considerations


System Metadata will be stored in a separate dataset for the following reasons:

  1. Only the CDAP system can update System Metadata.  
  2. System Metadata may have different authorization as well as retention policies than Business Metadata
  3. System Metadata can be updated at specific times only, where users can update Business Metadata at any given time

As a result, the metadata system will have to manage two different datasets. The storage format of both datasets (both keys and values) will be identical, they will only write to separate tables.

A higher level construct, MetadataStore will have the ability to interact with two separate datasets. It will use a MetadataScope (possible values USER and SYSTEM) object to distinguish between operations that should go to the business metadata dataset from the ones that should go to the system metadata dataset.

The MetadataStore class is chosen to have the ability to interact with two different metadata datasets, because it is the API that is used across CDAP (LineageDatasetFramework, Lineage classes, StreamAdmin, AppLifecycleService, DeletedProgramHandlerStage, to name a few classes) to interact with Metadata. There was an option to have this ability in the MetadataAdmin object instead and have the MetadataStore be local to a specific dataset (this may have made the MetadataStore class itself cleaner). However, this way, we would have needed the downstream classes (users of MetadataStore) handle multiple MetadataStores, which is not clean. Also, currently, the MetadataAdmin is only used by the MetadataHttpHandler. As a result, we cannot move this logic to the MetadataAdmin class, since not all clients of the metadata system have access to it.

The MetadataAdmin class is currently in app-fabric, because it needs access to the AppMetadataStore to check if entities exist. This is not ideal, but to fix this, we need to split cdap-app-fabric, which is much beyond the scope of the Metadata work.


We will re-use the same pattern that the Business Metadata Dataset uses to store history. There will however be one update to not serialize the MetadataScope in the history, as described in 

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


For interacting with the System Metadata Dataset, we will introduce a SystemMetadataUpdater interface, which will be injected at various stages outlined below, to add, update or delete system metadata

System Metadata will be added when:

  1. An app is deployed - We will add a SystemMetadataUpdater stage in the deployment pipeline that will update system metadata for the app, as well as all the programs in the app.
  2. A new dataset instance is created - The LineageWriterDatasetFramework will be passed a SystemMetadataUpdater, to add system metadata in the addDatasetInstance call.
  3. A new stream is created - StreamAdmins will be passed a SystemMetadataUpdater as well, to add system metadata in the create API.

System Metadata will be updated when:

  1. A dataset instance's properties are updated - The LineageWriterDatasetFramework's updateInstance method will use the SystemMetadataUpdater to update the passed properties
  2. A stream's config is updated - The StreamAdmin's updateConfig method will use the SystemMetadataUpdater to update the stream's system metadata

System Metadata will be deleted when:

  1. An app is deleted - The ApplicationLifecycleService will use the SystemMetadataUpdater to delete system metadata for the application
  2. A program is removed from an existing app - The DeletedProgramsHandlerStage will use the SystemMetadataUpdater to delete system metadata for the programs
  3. A dataset instance is deleted - The LineageWriterDatasetFramework's deleteInstance method will use the SystemMetadataUpdater to delete system metadata for the dataset instance
  4. A stream is deleted - The StreamAdmin's drop method will use the SystemMetadataUpdater to delete system metadata for the stream 

System Metadata Updates

Only the CDAP system can update system metadata for entities. This capability will not be exposed to users. However, given this design choice, users will need a capability in CDAP to discover all the system tags/properties. To start off with, this can be exposed via a simple API that lists all tags/properties. It can later be extended via full-text search capabilities when CDAP has a more comprehensive search capability that extends beyond IndexedTables and prefix lookups.


The add/update/delete APIs for system metadata will not be documented, or be accessible from the Router. Internally, the SystemMetadataUpdater will preferably interact with the transactional store for system metadata directly.

If REST APIs are absolutely necessary (TBD):

  • The REST APIs for adding/updating/deleting system metadata will not be documented, and will not be exposed via the Router
  • The SystemMetadataUpdater will use service discovery to discover the Metadata Service and make REST calls.

Schema as Metadata

Schema as metadata is meant to add the capability in CDAP for users to be able to retrieve datasets/streams with a field X optionally of type Y.

For storing schema as a system metadata, we will use the existing metadata properties mechanism. An option to store Schema as metadata would be to store every field in the schema as the metadata property:





Note: We may have to reverse this, based on the indexing mechanisms available in the System Metadata Dataset. If it supports key:value and value type searches, then we may have to swap the key and value above, so two types of searches can be supported:

  1. All Datasets with the field field1
  2. All Datasets with the field field1 of type int


Up until 3.2, users could not associate metadata with stream views. We will need to add this capability in 3.2. However, there would not be any parent-child relationship between a view, and its stream, as far as metadata is concerned. A view will be a separate entity from its stream, and will show up separately in search results. Metadata of a stream will not be automatically available as metadata of a view. 


The BusinessMetadataDataset dataset type introduced in 3.2 will be renamed to MetadataDataset, since it will also serve system metadata in 3.3. For existing CDAP installations, we will need an upgrade step to change the type of the existing "business.metadata" dataset in the "datasets.instance" table.  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


  • The Metadata REST APIs to retrieve properties and tags will be updated to accept a scope query parameter. It will support the values user and system. If scope is not specified, the API will return all metadata across both scopes. 
  • New APIs will be added for View and artifacts: 


Annotate business metadata for view
POST /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/views/{view-id}/metadata/properties
  "key1" : "value1",
  "key2" : "value2",

200: Successful

404: view not found in specified namespace

  • New keys are added.
  • Existing keys are updated.


Retrieve business metadata for view
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/views/{view-id}/metadata/properties

200: Successful

404: View not found in specified namespace

  "key1" : "value1",
  "key2" : "value2",
Delete all business metadata for view
DELETE  /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/views/{view-id}/metadata/properties



200: Successful

404: View not found in specified namespace

Delete selected key from business metadata for view
DELETE  /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/views/{view-id}/metadata/properties/{key}



200: Successful

404: View not found in specified namespace

Search views containing business metadata
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/metadata/search?query=term&target=view


200: Successful

["view1", "view2"]
  • Only prefix search supported in 3.3.
  • Supported formats:
    • Value Prefix
    • Key:Value Prefix
Add tags to a view
POST /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/views/{view-id}/metadata/tags
["tag1", "tag2"]

200: Successful

404: View not found in specified namespace





Retrieve view tags
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/views/{view-id}/metadata/tags
["tag1", "tag2"]
Remove all view tags
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/views/{view-id}/metadata/tags



200: Successful

404: View not found in specified namespace

Remove specified view tag
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/views/{view-id}/metadata/tags/{tag}



200: Successful

404: View not found in specified namespace

Get all business metadata for a view
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/views/{view-id}/metadata



200: Successful

404: View not found in specified namespace

Yes Retrieves all properties and tags for a stream.

Existing/Changed REST APIs and CLI Commands:

Note: Changes are in blue


PurposeAPICLI CommandBodyResponseCommentsApproved?
Annotate business metadata for datasets
POST /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/metadata/properties
set metadata properties datasets <dataset-id>
  "key1" : "value1",
  "key2" : "value2",

200: Successful

404: Dataset not found in specified namespace

  • New keys are added.
  • Existing keys are updated.


Annotate business metadata for apps
POST /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/metadata/properties
set metadata properties apps <app-id>
  "key1" : "value1",
  "key2" : "value2",

200: Successful

404: App not found in specified namespace

  • New keys are added.
  • Existing keys are updated.


Annotate business metadata for programs
POST /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/{program-type}/{program-id}/metadata/properties
set metadata properties app <app-id> program-type <program-type>
  "key1" : "value1",
  "key2" : "value2",

200: Successful

404: Program not found in specified namespace

  • New keys are added.
  • Existing keys are updated.


Annotate business metadata for streams
POST /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/metadata/properties
set metadata properties streams <stream-id>
  "key1" : "value1",
  "key2" : "value2",

200: Successful

404: Stream not found in specified namespace

  • New keys are added.
  • Existing keys are updated.


Retrieve business metadata for datasets
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/metadata/properties
get metadata properties scope datasets <dataset-id>N/A

200: Successful

404: Dataset not found in specified namespace

  "key1" : "value1",
  "key2" : "value2",
Retrieve business metadata for apps
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/metadata/properties
get metadata properties scope apps <app-id>N/A

200: Successful

404: App not found in specified namespace

  "key1" : "value1",
  "key2" : "value2",
Retrieve business metadata for programs
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/{program-type}/{program-id}/metadata/properties
get metadata properties scope apps <app-id> program-type <program-id>N/A

200: Successful

404: Program not found in specified namespace

  "key1" : "value1",
  "key2" : "value2",
Retrieve business metadata for streams
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/metadata/properties
get metadata properties scope streams <stream-id>N/A

200: Successful

404: Stream not found in specified namespace

  "key1" : "value1",
  "key2" : "value2",
Delete all business metadata for datasets
DELETE  /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/metadata/properties
delete metadata properties datasets <dataset-id>



200: Successful

404: Dataset not found in specified namespace

Delete selected key from business metadata for datasets
DELETE  /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/metadata/properties/{key}
delete metadata properties datasets <dataset-id> <key>



200: Successful

404: Dataset not found in specified namespace

Delete all business metadata for apps
DELETE  /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/metadata/properties
delete metadata properties apps <app-id>



200: Successful

404: App not found in specified namespace

Delete selected key from business metadata for apps
DELETE  /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/metadata/properties/{key}
delete metadata properties apps <app-id> <key>



200: Successful

404: App not found in specified namespace

Delete all business metadata for programs
DELETE  /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/{program-type}/{program-id}/metadata/properties
delete metadata properties apps <app-id> program-type <program-id>



200: Successful

404: Program not found in specified namespace

Delete all business metadata for programs
DELETE  /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/{program-type}/{program-id}/metadata/properties/{key}
delete metadata properties apps <app-id> program-type <program-id> <key>



200: Successful

404: Program not found in specified namespace

Delete all business metadata for streams
DELETE  /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/metadata/properties
delete metadata properties streams <stream-id>



200: Successful

404: Stream not found in specified namespace

Delete selected key from business metadata for streams
DELETE  /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/metadata/properties/{key}
delete metadata properties streams <stream-id> <key>



200: Successful

404: Stream not found in specified namespace

Search entities containing business metadata
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/metadata/search?query=term&target=<target-type>


target-type => dataset, app, program, stream, view

search metadata scope <search-query> <target>


200: Successful

["entity1", "entity2"]
  • Only prefix search supported in 3.2.
  • Backwards incompatible change of output format in 3.3
  • Supported formats:
    • Value Prefix
    • Key:Value Prefix
View Dataset Lineage
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/lineage?start=<start-ts>&end=<end-ts>&maxLevels=<max-levels>
get lineage datasets <dataset-id> <startTs> <endTs> <maxLevels>N/A

200: Successful

Response TBD, but will contain a DAG representation

View Stream Lineage
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/lineage?start=<start-ts>&end=<end-ts>&maxLevels=<max-levels>
get lineage streams <stream-id> <startTs> <endTs> <maxLevels>N/A

200: Successful

Response TBD, but will contain a DAG representation

View Run Id Accesses
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/{program-type}/{program-id}/runs/{run-id}/metadata
get metadata apps <app-id> program-type <program-id> runs <run-id>N/A

200: Successful

Response Body TBD

  • TODO: Figure out a better name
  • May not be part of 3.2
Add tags to a dataset
POST /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/metadata/tags
add metadata tags datasets <dataset-id>
["tag1", "tag2"]

200: Successful

404: Dataset not found in specified namespace




Add tags to an app
POST /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/metadata/tags
add metadata tags apps <app-id>
["tag1", "tag2"]

200: Successful

404: App not found in specified namespace




Add tags to a program
POST /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/{program-type}/{program-id}/metadata/tags
add metadata tags apps <app-id> program-type <program-id>
["tag1", "tag2"]

200: Successful

404: Program not found in specified namespace




Add tags to a stream
POST /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/metadata/tags
["tag1", "tag2"]

200: Successful

404: Stream not found in specified namespace




Retrieve dataset tags
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/metadata/tags
get metadata tags datasets <dataset-id> N/A
["tag1", "tag2"]
Retrieve app tags
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/metadata/tags
["tag1", "tag2"]
Retrieve program tags
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/{program-type}/{program-id}/metadata/tags
["tag1", "tag2"]
Retrieve stream tags
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/metadata/tags
["tag1", "tag2"]
Remove all dataset tags
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/metadata/tags
delete metadata tags datasets <dataset-id>



200: Successful

404: Dataset not found in specified namespace




Remove specified dataset tag
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/metadata/tags/{tag}



200: Successful

404: Dataset not found in specified namespace




Remove all app tags
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/metadata/tags



200: Successful

404: App not found in specified namespace

Remove specified app tag
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/metadata/tags/{tag}



200: Successful

404: App not found in specified namespace

Remove all program tags
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/{program-type}/{program-id}/metadata/tags



200: Successful

404: Program not found in specified namespace

Remove specified program tag
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/{program-type}/{program-id}/metadata/tags/{tag}



200: Successful

404: Program not found in specified namespace

Remove all stream tags
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/metadata/tags



200: Successful

404: Stream not found in specified namespace

Remove specified stream tag
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/metadata/tags/{tag}



200: Successful

404: Stream not found in specified namespace

Remove all business metadata for a dataset
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/metadata



200: Successful

404: Dataset not found in specified namespace

Removes all properties and tags from a dataset. Will not happen in 3.2
Remove all business metadata for an app
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/metadata



200: Successful

404: App not found in specified namespace

Removes all properties and tags from an app. Will not happen in 3.2
Remove all business metadata for a program
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/{program-type}/{program-id}/metadata



200: Successful

404: Program not found in specified namespace

Removes all properties and tags from a program. Will not happen in 3.2
Remove all business metadata for a dataset
DELETE /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/metadata



200: Successful

404: Dataset not found in specified namespace

Removes all properties and tags from a dataset. Will not happen in 3.2
Get all business metadata for a dataset
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/datasets/{dataset-id}/metadata?scope=system/user



200: Successful

404: Dataset not found in specified namespace

Retrieves all properties and tags for a dataset. Will not happen in 3.2
Get all business metadata for an app
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/metadata



200: Successful

404: App not found in specified namespace

Retrieves all properties and tags for an app. Will not happen in 3.2
Get all business metadata for a program
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/apps/{app-id}/{program-type}/{program-id}/metadata



200: Successful

404: Program not found in specified namespace

Retrieves all properties and tags for a program. Will not happen in 3.2
Get all business metadata for a stream
GET /v3/namespaces/{namespace-id}/streams/{stream-id}/metadata



200: Successful

404: Stream not found in specified namespace

Retrieves all properties and tags for a stream. Will not happen in 3.2


  1. The REST APIs to retrieve metadata will accept an additional scope parameter. Is it considered a backward incompatible change that if the scope is not specified, the API will now return all metadata, and not just business metadata, like it did in 3.3?