Timeout configurations


This wiki documents all the timeout configurations and the relationships between each other.

Timeouts and Relationships

Timeout NameDescriptionDefault Value As per 4.3.1Related TimeoutsRecommendation
http.client.connection.timeout.msTimeout set by all HTTP Clients used by CDAP for establishing a HTTP connection. If the server doesn't respond within the specified connection timeout then the http request will fail.60000  
http.client.read.timeout.msTimeout on waiting to read the data from a server. If the server doesn't not send a byte of data within the read timeout configure a read timeout error will be raised which will interrupt the http connection.60000hbase.rpc.timeoutThis should be greater than hbase.rpc.timeout
master.startup.checks.yarn.connect.timeout.secondsConnection timeout to connect to yarn resource maanger for performing master startup checks60hbase.rpc.timeout 
master.startup.service.timeout.secondsTimeout in seconds for master services to wait for their dependent services to be available.600  
zookeeper.session.timeout.millisZooKeeper session timeout in milliseconds40000  
zookeeper.client.startup.timeout.millisDuration in milliseconds to wait for a successful connection to a
server in the ZooKeeper quorum
router.connection.idle.timeout.secsTime in seconds after an HTTP request completes that idle router connections are closed15  
monitor.handler.service.discovery.timeout.secondsTimeout in seconds for service discovery used in monitor handler
service status check
explore.active.operation.timeout.secsTimeout value in seconds for an SQL operation whose result was not
fetched completely
explore.inactive.operation.timeout.secsTimeout value in seconds for an SQL operation which does not have any more results to be fetched3600  
explore.http.timeoutThe timeout in seconds for HTTP requests to the CDAP Explore service.20data.tx.timeoutThis should be less than data.tx.timeout
twill.no.container.timeoutDuration in milliseconds to wait for at least one container for Apache Twill runnable120000  
app.meta.upgrade.timeout.secsTimeout value in seconds while upgrading application versions60data.tx.timeoutShould be greater than data.tx.timeout
audit.publish.timeout.msTimeout to publish audit logs to Transactional messaging system. The TMS implementation is based on Hbase2000data.tx.timeout, hbase.rpc.timeoutThis should be greater than hbase.rpc.timeout
data.tx.timeoutTimeout value in seconds for a transaction; if the transaction is not finished in that time, it is marked invalid30  
dashboard.router.check.timeout.secsInterval in seconds that the CDAP UI waits before exiting when unable
to connect to the CDAP Router service on startup; use a timeout of 0
to wait indefinitely
kafka.server.zookeeper.connection.timeout.msMaximum time in milliseconds that the CDAP Kafka service will wait to
establish a connection to ZooKeeper
log.pipeline.cdap.file.cleanup.transaction.timeoutTransaction timeout in seconds used by the log cleanup thread.60data.tx.timeoutShould be greater than data.tx.timeout
hbase.rpc.timeoutSet in Hbase-(default/)site.xml the value indicates the timeout for HBase RPC operations.60000 Â