Entity | Sentry Resource URI |
Instance | TBD |
Namespace | cdap:///namespace=ns1 |
Artifact | cdap:///namespace=ns1/artifact=art1 |
Application | |
Program | cdap:///namespace=ns1/application=app1/programType=pt1/programName=prg1 |
Dataset | cdap:///namespace=ns1/dataset=ds1 |
Stream | cdap:///namespace=ns1/stream=s1 |
View | cdap:///namespace=ns1/stream=s1/view=v1 |
ACL management (either using CDAP CLI or via external systems like Sentry CLI or Hue)
Design Scribble:
To integrate with CDAP we will need implementation of the following modules.
Main modules:
Binding: Authorization checks happen here
Model: Define what are the objects in your system that you want to control access and define the granularity
Policy engine: Define how you want to evaluate policies. For example: Wildcards?
Sentry has an interface which defines an Action:
We can use abstract class BitFieldAction and define action for CDAP entities. Since, we need different action for different entities we will have to define them separately:
Note: Will have to whitelist the cdap user for the Sentry Service.
ACL management
TBD: either using CDAP CLI or via external systems like Sentry CLI or Hue
- How does CDAP get
? Path provided viacConf
? - Distinguishing Read/Write access is perhaps out of scope of 3.4, since we will need changes to Dataset Framework
- Can access to all entities be authorized in one go? If so, how?
- How does hierarchy work? e.g. write to stream requires READ perms on namespace + write perms on stream
- In a secure/kerberos environment, what does it take to communicate with the Sentry Server?
- In a secure/kerberos environment, what does it take to communicate with the Sentry Server?
- Given that Sentry has a slightly data-engine-based schema, will we need some updates to the policy store to contain CDAP specific tables for storing CDAP Privileges?
tables? - What about instance-level authorization? Would users need to be authorized to a given CDAP instance as well, along with the namespace and entity?