Authorization - CDAP 3.4




  1. Authorize a subset of operations on CDAP entities using Apache Sentry

  2. Make the authorization system pluggable. Support the following two systems to begin with:

    1. Sentry based

    2. CDAP Dataset based


  • User stories documented (Rohit/Bhooshan)
  • User stories reviewed (Nitin)
  • Design documented (Rohit/Bhooshan)
  • Design reviewed (Andreas)
  • Feature merged (Rohit/Bhooshan)
  • Examples and guides (Rohit)
  • Integration tests (Bhooshan) 
  • Documentation for feature (Rohit/Bhooshan)
  • Blog post 

User Stories

  • As a CDAP system, I should be able to integrate with Apache Sentry for fine-grained role-based access controls of select CDAP operations 
  • As a CDAP admin, I should be able to easily configure Sentry to work with CDAP on different type of cluster (ex: CDH, CM cluster etc). 
  • As a CDAP admin, I should be able to create/update/delete roles in Apache Sentry
  • As a CDAP admin, I should be able to add users/groups to roles in Apache Sentry
  • As a CDAP admin, I should be able to turn authorization on/off easily for entire CDAP instance
  • As a CDAP system, I should be able to authorize the following requests
    • Namespace create/update/delete
    • Application deployment
    • Program start/stop
    • Stream read/write  (Not Implemented in 3.4)
      These operations are a subset that represents the various 'kinds' of operations allowed in CDAP


Scenario #1

  • D-Rock is an IT-Admin extra-ordinaire who has just been tasked with adding authorizing access to entities in CDAP on the cluster he manages. 
  • D-Rock is already familiar with Apache Sentry, since he has used it for authorization in other projects like Apache HDFS, Apache Hive, Apache Sqoop, etc. 
  • He would rather not learn a new authorization system. He would instead prefer that Apache Sentry be used to provide Role Based Access Control to CDAP entities as well.
  • As part of this, he would also like a streamlined installation and configuration experience with Apache Sentry and CDAP, including detailed instructions.

Scenario #2

  • D-Rock manages a variety of CDAP clusters in dev/smoke/qa/staging environments along with the prod environment.
  • For these environments, he would like to be able to turn authorization on/off easily with a switch for the CDAP instance, depending on the need at a given time.

Scenario #3

  • Ideally, D-Rock would like to be able to authorize all operations on all entities in CDAP. 
  • However, this can be rolled out in phases. In the initial phase, he would like to control who can:
    • Create/update/delete a namespace
      • Only users with WRITE permission on CDAP instance should be able to perform this operation.
      • A property in sentry-site.xml will decide a set of users who have admin permission on cdap instance. These admins can then later grant permissions to other users.
    • Deploy an application in a namespace
      • Only users with WRITE permission on the namespace should be able to perform this operation
      • One the application is deployed the the user who deployed becomes the ADMIN of the application. 
    • Start/stop a program
      • Only users with READ permission on the namespace and application, and EXECUTE permission on the program should be able to perform this operation
      • Only users with ADMIN permission on the program can set preference for the program
      • Only users with WRITE permission can provide runtime args
    • Read/write to a stream
      • Only users with READ privilege on the namespace and READ permission on the stream should be able to read from the stream
      • Only users with READ privilege on the namespace and WRITE permission on the stream should be able to write to the stream
      • Note: We have decided not to handle views separately. A user have same permission on all views of a stream as what it has on the stream. 

Entities, Operations and Privileges

EntityOperationRequired PrivilegesResultant Privileges
NamespacecreateADMIN (Instance)ADMIN (Namespace)
 updateADMIN (Namespace) 
 listREAD (Instance) 
 getREAD (Namespace) 
 deleteADMIN (Namespace) 
 set preferenceWRITE (Namespace) 
 get preferenceREAD (Namespace) 
 searchREAD (Namespace) 
ArtifactaddWRITE (Namespace)ADMIN (Artifact)
 deleteADMIN (Artifact) 
 getREAD (Artifact) 
 listREAD (Namespace) 
 write propertyADMIN (Artifact) 
 delete propertyADMIN (Artifact) 
 get propertyREAD (Artifact) 
 refreshWRITE (Instance) 
 write metadataADMIN (Artifact) 
 read metadataREAD (Artifact) 
ApplicationdeployWRITE (Namespace)ADMIN (Application)
 getREAD (Application) 
 listREAD (Namespace) 
 updateADMIN (Application) 
 deleteADMIN (Application) 
 set preferenceWRITE (Application) 
 get preferenceREAD (Application) 
 add metadataADMIN (Application) 
 get metadataREAD (Application) 
Programsstart/stop/debugEXECUTE (Program) 
 set instancesADMIN (Program) 
 listREAD (Namespace) 
 set runtime argsEXECUTE (Program) 
 get runtime argsREAD (Program) 
 get instancesREAD (Program) 
 set preferenceADMIN (Program) 
 get preferenceREAD (Program) 
 get statusREAD (Program) 
 get historyREAD (Program) 
 add metadataADMIN (Program) 
 get metadataREAD (Program) 
 emit logsWRITE (question) (Program) 
 view logsREAD (Program) 
 emit metricsWRITE (question) (Program) 
 view metricsREAD (Program) 
StreamscreateWRITE (Namespace)ADMIN (Stream)
 update propertiesADMIN (Stream) 
 deleteADMIN (Stream) 
 truncateADMIN (Stream) 
WRITE (Stream) 
 getREAD (Stream) 
 listREAD (Namespace) 
 read eventsREAD (Stream) 
 set preferencesADMIN (Stream) 
 get preferencesREAD (Stream) 
 add metadataADMIN (Stream) 
 get metadataREAD (Stream) 
 view lineageREAD (Stream) 
 emit metricsWRITE (question) (Stream) 
 view metricsREAD (Stream) 
DatasetslistREAD (Namespace) 
 getREAD (Dataset) 
 createWRITE (Namespace)ADMIN (Dataset)
 updateADMIN (Dataset) 
 dropADMIN (Dataset) 
 executeAdmin (exists/truncate/upgrade)ADMIN (Dataset) 
 add metadataADMIN (Dataset) 
 get metadataREAD (Dataset) 
 view lineageREAD (Dataset) 
 emit metricsWRITE (question) (Dataset) 
 view metricsREAD (Dataset) 

NOTE: Cells marked green are in scope for 3.4


This feature can be broken down into the following main parts, in no specific order:

Authorization in CDAP

The authorization system in CDAP will be pluggable, and the backend can be provided by external systems like Apache Sentry/Ranger. It provides:

  • Authorization Enforcement hooks during various operations within CDAP, that throw AuthorizationException if the operation is not authorized.
  • ACL Management

This system exposes a set of interfaces defined below. 


The AuthEnforcer interface provides a way to check if an operation is authorized. At various points in the CDAP code (NamespaceHttpHandler, AppLifecycleHttpHandler, ProgramLifecycleHttpHandler, StreamHandler in 3.4), this interface will be used to check if an operation is authorized.

AuthChecker Interface
interface AuthEnforcer {
     * Enforces authorization for the specified {@link Principal} for the specified {@link Action} on the specified {@link EntityId}.
     * @param principal the principal that performs the actions. This could be a user, group or a role
     * @param entity the entity on which an action is being performed
     * @param action the action being performed
     * @throws AuthorizationException if the principal is not authorized to perform action on the entity
	void enforce(Principal principal, EntityId entity, Action action) throws AuthorizationException;


This interface allows CDAP admins to grant/revoke permissions for specific operations on specific CDAP entities to specified Principals. It will be used by the ACL Management module, which may or may not reside in CDAP for the purposes of integration with Apache Sentry (question) TBD.

Authorizer Interface
public interface Authorizer {
   * Initialize the {@link Authorizer}. Authorization extensions can use this method to access an
   * {@link AuthorizationContext} that allows them to interact with CDAP for operations such as creating and accessing
   * datasets, executing dataset operations in transactions, etc.
   * @param context the {@link AuthorizationContext} that can be used to interact with CDAP
  void initialize(AuthorizationContext context) throws Exception;

   * Enforces authorization for the specified {@link Principal} for the specified {@link Action} on the specified
   * {@link EntityId}.
   * @param entity the {@link EntityId} on which authorization is to be enforced
   * @param principal the {@link Principal} that performs the actions
   * @param action the {@link Action} being performed
   * @throws UnauthorizedException if the principal is not authorized to perform action on the entity
   * @throws Exception if any other errors occurred while performing the authorization enforcement check
  void enforce(EntityId entity, Principal principal, Action action) throws Exception;

   * Grants a {@link Principal} authorization to perform a set of {@link Action actions} on an {@link EntityId}.
   * @param entity the {@link EntityId} to whom {@link Action actions} are to be granted
   * @param principal the {@link Principal} that performs the actions. This could be a user, or role
   * @param actions the set of {@link Action actions} to grant.
  void grant(EntityId entity, Principal principal, Set<Action> actions) throws Exception;

   * Revokes a {@link Principal principal's} authorization to perform a set of {@link Action actions} on
   * an {@link EntityId}.
   * @param entity the {@link EntityId} whose {@link Action actions} are to be revoked
   * @param principal the {@link Principal} that performs the actions. This could be a user, group or role
   * @param actions the set of {@link Action actions} to revoke
  void revoke(EntityId entity, Principal principal, Set<Action> actions) throws Exception;

   * Revokes all {@link Principal principals'} authorization to perform any {@link Action} on the given
   * {@link EntityId}.
   * @param entity the {@link EntityId} on which all {@link Action actions} are to be revoked
  void revoke(EntityId entity) throws Exception;

   * Returns all the {@link Privilege} for the specified {@link Principal}.
   * @param principal the {@link Principal} for which to return privileges
   * @return a {@link Set} of {@link Privilege} for the specified principal
  Set<Privilege> listPrivileges(Principal principal) throws Exception;

  /********************************* Role Management: APIs for Role Based Access Control ******************************/
   * Create a role.
   * @param role the {@link Role} to create
   * @throws RoleAlreadyExistsException if the the role to be created already exists
  void createRole(Role role) throws Exception;

   * Drop a role.
   * @param role the {@link Role} to drop
   * @throws RoleNotFoundException if the role to be dropped is not found
  void dropRole(Role role) throws Exception;

   * Add a role to the specified {@link Principal}.
   * @param role the {@link Role} to add to the specified group
   * @param principal the {@link Principal} to add the role to
   * @throws RoleNotFoundException if the role to be added to the principals is not found
  void addRoleToPrincipal(Role role, Principal principal) throws Exception;

   * Delete a role from the specified {@link Principal}.
   * @param role the {@link Role} to remove from the specified group
   * @param principal the {@link Principal} to remove the role from
   * @throws RoleNotFoundException if the role to be removed to the principals is not found
  void removeRoleFromPrincipal(Role role, Principal principal) throws Exception;

   * Returns a set of all {@link Role roles} for the specified {@link Principal}.
   * @param principal the {@link Principal} to look up roles for
   * @return Set of {@link Role} for the specified {@link Principal}
  Set<Role> listRoles(Principal principal) throws Exception;

   * Returns all available {@link Role}. Only a super user can perform this operation.
   * @return a set of all available {@link Role} in the system.
  Set<Role> listAllRoles() throws Exception;

   * Destroys an {@link Authorizer}. Authorization extensions can use this method to write any cleanup code.
  void destroy() throws Exception;

Where Principal is the entity performing actions defined as below:

public class Principal {
	enum PrincipalType {
	private final String name;
	private final PrincipalType type;
	public Principal(String name, PrincipalType type) { = name;
		this.type = type;
	public String getName() {
		return name;
	public PrincipalType getType() {
		return type;

Integration with Apache Sentry will be achieved by implementations of these interfaces that delegate to Apache Sentry.

Integration with Apache Sentry

Integration with Apache Sentry involves the development of three main modules:

CDAP Sentry Binding

Here we will bind CDAP to SentryGenericServiceClient and to the operations on the client.

public class SentryAuthorizer implements Authorizer {

    void grant(EntityId entity, Principal Principal, Set<Action> actions){
		// do grant operation on sentry client with needed mapping/conversion
	private SentryGenericServiceClient getClient() throws Exception {
	  return SentryGenericServiceClientFactory.create(conf); // create sentry client from Configuration 

CDAP Sentry Model

The CDAP Sentry Model defines the CDAP entities for whom access needs to be authorized via Apache Sentry. It will based off of the Sentry Generic Authorization Model. The CDAP Sentry Model will have the following components:


This interface defines the CDAP entities that need to be authorized. It must implement Authorizable.

 * This interface represents an authorizable resource in the CDAP component.
public interface CDAPAuthorizable extends Authorizable {

  public enum AuthorizableType {
  AuthorizableType getAuthzType();

The CDAPAuthorizable interface will have to be implemented for each authorizable entity defined by the AuthorizableType enum above.

CDAPAction and CDAPActionFactory

These classes will implement BitFieldAction and BitFieldActionFactory to define the types of actions on CDAP entities. These classes also allow you to define implies relationships between actions.

TODO: Think about ALL, ADMIN_ALL

public class CDAPActionConstants {
  public static final String READ = "read";
  public static final String EXECUTE = "execute";
  public static final String WRITE = "write";
  public static final String ADMIN = "admin"; // this is read + write + execute + admin (create/update/delete)

Sentry Policy Engine

Resource URIs

Using the above authorizable model, resource URIs for CDAP entities in the Sentry Policy Engine will be as follows:

EntitySentry Resource URI



The above URIs are internal Apache Sentry representations defined at SentryAuthorizationModelDesign. They are only mentioned here to convey how the CDAP entity hierarchy will be represented in Apache Sentry.

Interaction Diagram

Use-case: App Deployment by an unauthorized user



sentry.service.allow.connectList of users allowed to connect to the Sentry Servercdap will be added to this list
Authorization provider for the CDAP component in Sentry. This class defines the user-group mapping amongst other things.
sentry.cdap.provider.resourceThe resource for creating the Sentry Provider Backend. This property seems unused, and always defaults to "". However, all data engines (hive, sqoop, kafka define it).""
sentry.cdap.provider.backendA class that implements ProviderBackend. This class uses a SentryServiceClient to communicate with the sentry service from the client side in Sentry.
sentry.cdap.policy.engineDefines the Sentry Policy Engine for the cdap component. Must implement org.apache.sentry.policy.common.PolicyEngine

(package name subject to change)


These properties will be defined in cdap-security.xml

Determines whether authorization should be enabled in CDAP. If false, a NoOpAuthorizer would be used for security.authorizer.classfalse
Fully qualified class name of the authorizer class. Must implement the Authorizer
instance.nameDefines the instance name for the cdap component.cdap

Role Management

To support RBAC (Role Based Access Control) such as Apache Sentry we will need to support role management through CDAP.

A user using RBAC should be able to:

  • Create a role
  • delete a role
  • add role to principal (where principal can be of type user or group)
  • remove role from a principal (where principal can be of type user or group)
  • List roles
  • List roles for principal
  • List privileges for role

We will need to support this operation from through REST  APIs and also through cli. Below is the proposed APIs and CLI commands:

Authorization API

Security CLI commands

ACL management

There are multiple options for ACL Management. For dataset-based authorizer, we will have to support ACL Management via the CDAP CLI.

For Apache Sentry based authorizer, there are multiple options. We should support this via the CDAP CLI because it should involve very little extra work. However, support should also be provided via the SentryShell as well as Hue.

Although supporting the Sentry Shell seems straightforward once the CDAP backend for Sentry is implemented, it's a relatively new feature added in Sentry 1.7 (SENTRY-749). CDH 5.5 ships Sentry 1.5 and there are no timelines on support for Sentry 1.7 (Cloudera Maven Repository).

After some digging we found out that SentryShell is hardcoded to use work with Hive and it works only with Hive. At the moment of this writing, Kafka is added support for SentryShell by making a copy for Hive's SentryShell. This seems to be the norm in Sentry for Shell support since there is no generic Shell which can be used by the services being integrated to Sentry. Unless we have some strong reason we should avoid having support for CDAP through SentryShell, specially since we are already working on supporting ACL management for CDAP in Sentry through Hue. See below. 

For recognizing and listing CDAP entities in Hue, we will have to implement a CDAP Webapp for Hue. Hue is implemented entirely in Python using the Django framework. This integration is a risk for 3.4. More details on this TBD.

Hue Integration


For testing the sentry integration, there are a couple of approaches. We can use the file-based policy store in Apache Sentry for tests. However, to simulate more realistic scenarios, we should explore if it is easy to setup an in-memory database (HSQL, etc) with the Sentry schema in tests.



  1. How does CDAP get sentry-site.xml? Path provided via cConf?
  2. Distinguishing Read/Write access is perhaps out of scope of 3.4, since we will need changes to Dataset Framework
  3. Can access to all entities be authorized in one go? If so, how? 
  4. How does hierarchy work? e.g. write to stream requires READ perms on namespace + write perms on stream
  5. In a secure/kerberos environment, what does it take to communicate with the Sentry Server?
  6. In a secure/kerberos environment, what does it take to communicate with the Sentry Server?
  7. Given that Sentry has a slightly data-engine-based schema, will we need some updates to the policy store to contain CDAP specific tables for storing CDAP Privileges? SENTRY_CDAP_PRIVILEGE and SENTRY_CDAP_PRIVILEGE_MAP tables?
  8. What about instance-level authorization? Would users need to be authorized to a given CDAP instance as well, along with the namespace and entity?
  9. Do we need EXECUTE operation just for Programs entity. Can we say that any user who has READ can run the program ? 

Discussion Bhooshan & Rohit 02/17


CDAP SpecificExternal Auth Service: SentryACL Management
  1. Provide Authorization Hooks in CDAP
    1. Intercept all HTTP calls
    2. Thrift calls
    3. Access to data from programs
  1. Modules to implement
    1. Binding
    2. Model
    3. Policy
    4. E2E Tests
  1. Should CDAP do ACL Management
    1. CLI
    2. HTTP Handlers

    3. If we assume ACLs are set in Sentry through Sentry
      what if we switch to Dataset based store.

2. Authorization Checks

for a given user/group and type of access
	if allowed:
		perform operation
		throw AuthException

2. Figuring out how to interact with Sentry

    • SentryGenericServiceClient
    • How to know where Sentry is running?



3. We need an Authorization interface  

Discussion with Gokul 02/08

  • Push down ACLs  - No HBase support in Sentry
  • Custom datasets - how do you recognize read/writes
  • How do you distinguish between read/write
  • Sentry Integration - needs follow-ups
  • Performance (num RPC calls)
  • Sentry Persistent Storage - PolicyStoreProvider
  • Interactions with Auth system
  • Sentry web-app for UI may need customizations in Hue
  • How does switching between authorization enabled/disabled work

Out-of-scope User Stories (3.5 and beyond)

  1. As a CDAP admin, I should be able to authorize reads/writes to datasets
  2. As a CDAP admin, I should be able to authorize metadata changes to CDAP entities
  3. As a CDAP system, I should be able to push down ACLs to storage providers
  4. As a CDAP admin, I should be able to authorize reads/writes to custom datasets
  5. As a CDAP system, I should be able to judge, document and improve the performance impact of authorization
  6. As a CDAP authorization system, I should be able to interact with an external authentication system
  7. As a CDAP admin, I should be able to use external UIs like Hue for ACL Management
  8. As a CDAP admin, I should be able to see an audit log of all authorization-related changes in CDAP
  9. As a CDAP admin, I should be able to authorize all thrift-based traffic, so transaction management is also authorized.
