Marketing Add-In Specifications


Note: this should be displayed in grid format (2x3), all visible on a single page

  1. [Line graph] Aggregate MQL’s, Raw Leads, and Sales Opportunities by week
  2. [Line graph] CDAP downloads by week
  3. [Line graph] LinkedIn followers, Facebook followers, Twitter followers, YouTube views by week
  4. [Line graph] New visitors, returning visitors, blog visitors, aggregate sessions by week
  5. [Line graph] SEO percentage share of voice by week
  6. [Line graph] Meltwater percentage share of voice by week

1. Pipeline

  1. [Line graph] Aggregate MQL’s, Raw Leads, and Sales Opportunities by week
  2. [Line graph] Percentage change in MQL’s, Raw Leads, and Sales Opportunities by week
  3. [Histogram] Logarithmic distribution of lead scores currently in the database for this week
  4. [Histogram] Distribution of leads in each phase for this week

2. Web

  1. [Line graph] New visitors, returning visitors, blog visitors, aggregate sessions by week
  2. [List] Top five most visited pages by aggregate visits for this week
  3. [List] Top five most visited pages by time spent on page for this week
  4. [Pie chart] Percentage aggregate sessions by page for this week

3. adoption

  1. [Line graph] CDAP downloads by week
  2. [Line graph] Aggregate CDAP downloads by week

4. Share of Voice

  1. [Line graph] SOV percentage for each company by week
  2. [Pie chart] Percentage SOV by company for this week

5. SEO

  1. [Line graph] SEO percentage for each company by week
  2. [Pie chart] Percentage SEO by company for this week

6. Social 

  1. [Line graph] LinkedIn followers, Facebook followers, Twitter followers, YouTube views by week
  2. [Line graph] Percentage change LinkedIn followers, Facebook followers, Twitter followers, YouTube views by week
  3. [Line graph] Number of weekly Facebook likes, Twitter likes, and Twitter retweets by week

7. Github

  1. [Line graph] Number of stars on CDAP repository by week