Impacts and Scenarios


This page describes different things that might affect the underlying component and in turn affect CDAP. 

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

CDAP relies on HDFS for different functions. The functions it's used for are articulated in this page. When HDFS is not available or HDFS has service interruption CDAP has to handle degradation and still service the CDAP Applications. Following are the different scenarios during which HDFS might not be available. 

Upgrade or Downgrade


  • HDFS
    • Upgrade
    • Downgrade
    • Restart
    • Data Node Outage
  • HBase
    • Upgrade
    • Downgrade
    • Restart
    • Region Server Outage
  • Zookeeper
    • Upgrade
    • Downgrade
    • Network Partition 
  • YARN
    • Upgrade
    • Downgrade
    • Node Manager Outage
    • RM Outage
  • Kafka
    • Upgrade
    • Downgrade
    • Disk Outage
  • KMS
    • Upgrade 
    • Downgrade 
    • Outage