CDAP Wrangler UX



.pdf file of flows

User has 3 ways they can Wrangle data:

  • Copy-paste the data
  • Open a recent file user has been working on
  • Open from an url


  • Copy-paste the data
  • Open a recent file user has been working on
  • Open from an url

Data with table.

  • The column charts can be minimised
Search (on the metrics row) expands on click
  • User can find columns & rows
  • User can find a range of columns and rows

User can create charts by:

  • First selecting a chart type
  • Drag and drop columns/rows into the x/y axis to generate the chart
  • User can hide any parameter they don't want to view
  • User can delete any parameter from the x or y axis


Range of values expanded

This is an example of the filter functionality

There are 2 sections on the bottom right of the screen:

  • Source url
  • Notes

These sections can be minimised to utilise the space above for the charts

User can view history, which is basically the steps until the most latest one.

For security reasons, the user should not be able to delete entire days, they can delete the steps individually.

  • A cap could be put on the number of steps that ought to be stored, for example 200 or so and all the previous ones get deleted automatically.


Additional functionalities in detail