Navigating the new UI in CDAP 4.1

Intro and Purpose

This page is a comparison of existing capabilities in the classic CDAP UI, and new ways to do the same thing in the new UI

Target Audience and Usage Intent

Existing CDAP user
  • Is used to interacting with the CDAP UI using the classic UI. Would like to switch to the new UI


  • To add your own entity (app, stream, pipeline, plugin, driver), use the plus button
  • To add an entity by browsing the Cask Market, use the Cask Market link in the global navbar
  • Overview page is for navigating/searching/finding your app, dataset or stream
  • For every entity, there are 3 views 
    • Card -> Used in Search Results and Listing views. Contains basic information and allows users to fast actions.
    • Overview pane -> More details than entity cards. Does not contain every single detail about the entity. Does not navigate away from the overview page
    • Detail page -> Dedicated page for an entity with a unique URL, has every single detail and action for the entity
  • Cask Hydrator has been moved under Pipelines in the top navigation bar
  • Cask Tracker has been moved under Metadata in the top navigation bar. Some previously Tracker functionality is also available in Dataset and Stream Detail Pages.
  • Information (versions, logs, metrics, instances) and actions (scaling, system preferences) on the CDAP system can be found on the Administration page. This page also contains information (versions, logs, web UI links, metrics) about some of the underlying systems that CDAP uses (HDFS, Yarn, HBase)
  • Access Token, About CDAP, Documentation are available in the CDAP dropdown on the top right.

Note: The new user experience does not have full feature parity with the classic CDAP UI yet. For missing features, please use the "Switch to Classic View" option from the CDAP dropdown on the top right.

Classic UI
New UI
Select NamespaceNamespace dropdownNamespace dropdown
Add a namespaceManagement -> Add namespaceNamespace dropdown -> Add namespace
Delete a namespaceManagement -> Namespaces -> Namespace -> Settings -> Actions -> DeleteTo Be Implemented
Manage a namespaceManagement -> Namespaces -> Namespace -> Settings -> Description -> SaveTo Be Implemented
Deploy appHome Page ->Add application -> Custom applicationPlus Button -> Application
List applicationsHome Page -> Applications sectionOverview -> Set Filter to applications
View application details and actionsHome page -> Applications -> Click on appOverview -> Find app card -> Click app card -> App Overview Pane (View details for more info)
Delete appManagement -> Namespaces -> Select Namespace -> Applications -> Trash buttonApplication details -> Trash button
Create streamHome Page -> Add streamPlus Button -> Stream
List streamsHome Page -> DataOverview -> Set Filter to streams
View Stream details and perform actionsHome Page -> Data -> Click stream nameOverview -> Find stream card -> Click stream card -> Stream Overview pane (View details for more info/actions)
List datasetsHome Page -> DataOverview -> Set Filter to datasets
View dataset details and perform actionsHome Page -> Data -> Click dataset nameOverview -> Find dataset card -> Click dataset card -> Dataset Overview pane (View details for more info/actions)
Program operational functionsHome page -> App -> Program -> Start/Stop/History/Status/Runtime arguments/Logs
  • App/Dataset/Stream overview panes -> Programs tab -> Program card -> Fast actions
  • App/Dataset/Stream detail pages -> Programs tab -> Program card -> Fast actions
Program details (diagrams, run information, scaling instances, make service requests, flowlet info, ...)Home page -> App -> ProgramTo be implemented
System PreferencesManagement -> PreferencesCDAP dropdown -> Administration -> System Preferences
Namespace PreferencesManagement -> Namespaces -> PreferencesNamespace Dropdown -> Selected Namespace -> Preferences Fast Action
Application PreferencesApplication page -> Actions -> Preferences
  • App card -> Preferences Fast action
  • App overview pane -> Preferences Fast action
  • App detail page -> Preferences Fast action
Program PreferencesProgram Page -> Preferences
  • App/Dataset/Stream overview panes -> Programs tab -> Program card -> Preferences Fast Action
  • App/Dataset/Stream detail pages -> Programs tab -> Program card -> Preferences Fast Action
Explore dataset/streamDataset/Stream page -> Explore tab
  • Dataset/Stream card -> Explore fast action
  • Dataset/Stream overview pane -> Explore fast action
  • Dataset/Stream details page -> Explore fast action
Truncate dataset/streamDataset/Stream page -> Actions -> Truncate
  • Dataset/Stream card -> Truncate fast action
  • Dataset/Stream overview pane -> Truncate fast action
  • Dataset/Stream details page -> Truncate fast action
Delete dataset/streamManagement -> Namespace -> Datasets -> Dataset -> Actions -> Delete
  • Dataset/Stream card -> Delete fast action
  • Dataset/Stream overview pane -> Delete fast action
  • Dataset/Stream details page -> Delete fast action
CDAP system services logs/scalingManagement -> Services
  • CDAP dropdown -> Administration -> Service section
CDAP configurationManagement -> ConfigurationTo Be Implemented