Pipeline Version

  1. Need an API to return list of pipelines:

    1. Info Needed:

      1. Name

      2. Type

      3. Status

      4. If Running, the running runs information

      5. Number of runs

      6. Latest Version

      7. Last Run start time

      8. Next runtime

    2. Should be paginated

    3. Should be filterable by program status and app name

    4. Count per program status (across all pages)

  2. List of Running Runs:

    1. Start Time

    2. Profile (Cloud?)

    3. Started by?

    4. Start Method

  3. Only 1 version can run at any time

  4. Schedules need to be disabled for previous versions

  5. Runs API should get runs across versions

  6. Lock Version numbering to use Artifact Versioning syntax

  7. Collapse version in metadata search

  8. All application page need to have notion of version

  9. Old UI workflow will be obsolete (workflow will render the default version)

  10. App listing API should take multiple artifact names

  11. workflows nextruntime endpoint need to be versioned
  12. Metadata should per application (not per version)
  13. Preferences should be per application (not per version)
  14. Delete app API needs to delete all application versions
  15. Logs API needs to be versioned
  16. There are cases where metrics needs to be across all versions, and some per version
  17. Summary View Node records, how to show across version (past version might or might not have the nodes)
  18. Concept of Run Number
  19. Pipeline Configuration (ie. Core, Resources, etc) change, should it bump the app version?
  20. Lock editing capability by making pipeline draft session based. Needs to identify that a pipeline is being edited.