Ranger Installation

Ranger Cluster Setup

What cluster to build

1.Cdap single node (must)

For Services add




200 GB

2x large

2.A separate ranger-server on any system with centOS6 (must)


 create a 4.2 cdap-single node


git checkout tags/release-ranger-0.7.2 (don't do)

install ranger 0.6.3 instead


First use root

sudo su -

Install Maven


cd /usr/local
# Download maven latest distribution tar from apache maven site
tar -xvf apache-­maven-<Version>-­bin.tar.gz
export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-­maven-­<Version>
export M2=$M2_HOME/bin
export PATH=$M2:$PATH
#Now to test your install of Maven, enter the following command
mvn -version

export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"

Install git

yum install git

Install gcc

yum install gcc 

Clone the ranger source code (must)

mkdir ~/dev
cd ~/dev
git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-ranger.git
cd incubator-ranger
check releases and choose 0.6.3
git checkout tags/release-0.6.3

Build the source (Must)

cd ~/dev/incubator-ranger

export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512M" 
export JAVA_HOME=<Java Installation Directory>
#e.g. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java
#Make sure your java version is 1.7.x
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version
   java version "1.7.0_79"
   OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u79-b14)
   OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
mvn clean compile package assembly:assembly install -DskipTests (very important, the range 0.5 installation guide omit the -DskipTests)

may encounter the out of memory error, set MAVEN_OPTS to a larger memory
ls target/*.tar.gz
   ranger-0.5.0-admin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-kms.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-storm-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-hbase-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-knox-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-usersync.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-hdfs-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-migration-util.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-yarn-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-hive-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-solr-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-kafka-plugin.tar.gz ranger-0.5.0-src.tar.gz

Install Steps for Ranger Policy Admin on RHEL/CentOS (must)

cd /usr/local

tar zxvf ~/dev/incubator-ranger/target/ranger-0.6.3-admin.tar.gz

ln -s ranger-0.6.3-admin ranger-admin

cd ranger-­admin



sudo vim install.properties

Add these:

db_root_password= <enter_your_password>

Install and configure Solr or SolrCloud

cd ~/dev/incubator-ranger/security-admin/contrib/solr_for_audit_setup


Edit following in install.properties


Since solr logs and data will take lots of space it important to symlink
> /opt/solr
> /var/log/solr/ranger_audits

to /data on coopr cluster

ln -s /opt/solr/ /data
ln -s /var/log/solr/ranger_audits /data

Run the ./setup.sh script as root to install Solr. This will create install notes at
> /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/install_notes.txt



Start/Stop and Common Info about Solr or SolrCloud

Start and Stoping Solr:
Login as user solr or root and the run the below commands to start or stop Solr:

To start Solr run: /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/scripts/start_solr.sh
To stop Solr run: /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/scripts/stop_solr.sh

After starting Solr for RangerAudit, Solr will listen at 6083. 

Configure Ranger to use the following URL   http://clustername:6083/solr/ranger_audits

Solr HOME for Ranger Audit is /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server

DATA FOLDER: /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/data

Make sure you have enough disk space for index. In production, it is recommended to have at least 1TB free.

df -H

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 493G 9.7G 458G 3% /

we can see solr page from here:



For Ranger Admin, configure the following properties in install.properties:

cd /usr/local/ranger-admin

#Source for Audit DB
# * audit_db is solr or db

# * audit_solr_url URL to Solr. E.g. http://<solr_host>:6083/solr/ranger_audits


For all plugins, configure the following properties in install.properties



2. Update the install.properties 

2.1 Configure database properties. For MySQL, you will need to use the root password that you had picked while installing mysql.




c.The install process would create a couple of users in the database for storing administration and audit information, pick passwords for those too. With my choices here’s how the relevant sections in the install.properties file looks like.


# DB UserId used for the XASecure schema
# DB UserId for storing auditlog infromation




How to Upgrade MySQL 5.1 to MySQL 5.5 on CentOS 6.7 (Optional, only if you install ranger latest versions after 0.7)

1. Confirm your version of MySQL is CentOS 6.7 default


Type in the following to confirm that you have CentOS 6.7 default of MySQL 5.1 installed:


rpm -qa | grep mysql


Outputshouldlooksimilar to the following:




Everything looks good, moving on!



2. Install and activate the REMI and EPEL RPM Repositories


If you have not done so already, install and activate the REMI and EPEL repositories;


wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm && rpm -Uvh epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm

wget http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm && rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm


Now to enable the REMI repository globally:


nano /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo


Under the section that looks like [remi] make the following changes:


name=Remi's RPM repository for Enterprise Linux 6 - $basearch


Type CTRL-O to save, and CTRL-X to exit



2. Update MySQL from 5.1 to 5.5


Simply type in the following:


yum -y update mysql*


Once that’s done, we can verify:


rpm -qa | grep mysql


And we should see something similar to the below:




Now we need to make sure MySQL is working correctly.


If you’ve set a root password already, type the following;


mysql -u root -p


If you have not yet set a root password, you can simply type;




You should see something similar to the following


Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1


mysql -u root -p

SET @@global.innodb_large_prefix = 1;





mysql_upgrade -u root -p


to solve



SQLException : SQL state: HY000 java.sql.SQLException: Column count of mysql.user is wrong. Expected 42, found 39. Created with MySQL 50173, now running 50556. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error. ErrorCode: 1558




e. Once all the required properties are updated run the setup.sh script






Will encountering the following error, if one user ranger >0.7.0 version and with a sql version <5.5:

then run

SET @@global.innodb_large_prefix = 1;


Error executing: CREATE TABLE `x_portal_user` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `added_by_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `upd_by_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `first_name` varchar(1022) DEFAULT NULL, `last_name` varchar(1022) DEFAULT NULL, `pub_scr_name` varchar(2048) DEFAULT NULL, `login_id` varchar(767) DEFAULT NULL, `password` varchar(512) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `user_src` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `notes` varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `x_portal_user_UK_login_id` (`login_id`), UNIQUE KEY `x_portal_user_UK_email` (`email`), KEY `x_portal_user_FK_added_by_id` (`added_by_id`), KEY `x_portal_user_FK_upd_by_id` (`upd_by_id`), KEY `x_portal_user_cr_time` (`create_time`), KEY `x_portal_user_up_time` (`update_time`), KEY `x_portal_user_name` (`first_name`(767)), KEY `x_portal_user_email` (`email`), CONSTRAINT `x_portal_user_FK_added_by_id` FOREIGN KEY (`added_by_id`) REFERENCES `x_portal_user` (`id`), CONSTRAINT `x_portal_user_FK_upd_by_id` FOREIGN KEY (`upd_by_id`) REFERENCES `x_portal_user` (`id`) )AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
SQLException : SQL state: 42000 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes ErrorCode: 1071
2017-06-17 01:02:03,297 [E] xa_core_db.sql file import failed!
2017-06-17 01:02:03,297 [I] CORE_DB_SCHEMA might being imported by some other process
2017-06-17 01:04:03,382 [JISQL] /usr/lib/jvm/java/bin/java -cp /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar:/usr/local/ranger-0.7.2-SNAPSHOT-admin/jisql/lib/* org.apache.util.sql.Jisql -driver mysqlconj -cstring jdbc:mysql://localhost/ranger -u 'rangeradmin' -p '********' -noheader -trim -c \; -query "show tables like 'xa_access_audit';"
2017-06-17 01:04:03,673 [I] Table xa_access_audit does not exist in database ranger
2017-06-17 01:04:03,673 [JISQL] /usr/lib/jvm/java/bin/java -cp /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar:/usr/local/ranger-0.7.2-SNAPSHOT-admin/jisql/lib/* org.apache.util.sql.Jisql -driver mysqlconj -cstring jdbc:mysql://localhost/ranger -u 'rangeradmin' -p '********' -noheader -trim -c \; -query "delete from x_db_version_h where version='CORE_DB_SCHEMA' and active='N' and updated_by='ranger24355-1000.dev.continuuity.net';"
2017-06-17 01:04:03,955 [E] CORE_DB_SCHEMA import failed!

ranger-admin start









git checkout -b ranger-integration

Install mysql 5.7 on cent 6





Installing the Ranger UserSync Process (must)

mkdir /data/logs/ranger-usersync

ln -s /data/logs/ranger-usersync ranger-usersync

sudo mkdir -p /var/log/ranger-usersync

sudo chown ranger /var/log/ranger-usersync

sudo chgrp ranger /var/log/ranger-usersync

cd /usr/local

tar zxvf /root/dev/incubator-ranger/target/ranger-0.6.3-usersync.tar.gz

sudo ln -s ranger-0.6.3-usersync ranger-usersync

inside /usr/local cd ranger-usersync

POLICY_MGR_URL = http://hostname:6080
logdir = /var/log/ranger/usersync

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java


cd /usr/local/ranger-0.6.3-usersync


./ranger-usersync-services.sh start

make sure this script run without error and there is no symlink loop.


Enabling Ranger HDFS Plugins (Optional, from HDFS, HIVE etc choose one plugin) (must choose one, suggest hive)

cd /usr/local

tar zxvf ~/dev/incubator-ranger/target/ranger-0.6.3-hdfs-plugin.tar.gz

sudo ln -­s 

ln -s ranger-0.6.3-hdfs­plugin ranger-­hdfs-­plugin

cd ranger-­hdfs-­plugin


cd /usr/local/ranger-0.6.3-hdfs-plugin



Restart all hadoop services in:

/etc/init.d/hadoop-hdfs-datanode restart

/etc/init.d/hadoop-hdfs-namenode restart



ln -s /usr/hdp/ /usr/local/hadoop




How to configure Ranger to work  for Hbase or Hive or HDFS 


How to configure Ranger and CDAP to work together.


Install HIVE:




curl -u admin:admin -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @ranger-servicedef-cdap.json http://ranger063v24563-1000.dev.continuuity.net:6080/service/plugins/definitions


cp /home/chaoran/binding-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /usr/local/cdap-ranger/

cp /home/chaoran/lookup-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar  /usr/local/cdap-ranger/

cd /usr/local/cdap-ranger/

ls -l

cd /usr/local/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ranger-plugins

hostname -f

cd /usr/local/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ranger-plugins

mkdir cdap

chown ranger:ranger cdap

cd cdap

mv /usr/local/cdap-ranger/lookup-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ./

chown ranger:ranger lookup-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

less /var/log/cdap/master-cdap-ranger063v24563-1000.dev.continuuity.net.log

'ls /etc/init.d/ | grep cdap' ; do sudo service $i restart ; done

for i in `ls /etc/init.d/ | grep cdap` ; do sudo service $i restart ; done

tail -f /var/log/cdap/master-cdap-ranger063v24563-1000.dev.continuuity.net.log

less /var/log/cdap/master-cdap-ranger063v24563-1000.dev.continuuity.net.log

ranger-admin restart


Process for a ranger plugin code change (must)

0. Build code: mvn clean package -DskipTests

1. Delete CDAP in ranger service in panel->Access Manager

2. Delete Ranger Panel

curl -v -u admin:admin -X DELETE http://hostname:6080/service/public/v2/api/servicedef/name/cdap

3. clone a ranger repo from security extension, ranger-integration branch

build it using mvn clean package -DskipTests



scp /Users/chaoranwang/Desktop/cdap-security-extn/cdap-ranger/lookup/target/lookup-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar rangerhostname:~

ssh into rangerhostname

then cp lookup jars to, if not there use mkdir -p to make path:



cp /home/chaoran/lookup-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar /usr/local/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ranger-plugins

chown ranger:ranger to this jar file

chown ranger:ranger cdap

cd cdap

mv /usr/local/cdap-ranger/lookup-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ./

chown ranger:ranger /usr/local/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ranger-plugins/lookup-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

ls -l to look at user/group property to confirm it has ranger:ranger

restart ranger admin: ranger-admin restart


scp /Users/chaoranwang/Desktop/cdap-security-extn/cdap-ranger/binding/target/binding-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar cdaphostname:~

mkdir -p /usr/local/cdap-ranger/

cp /home/chaoran/binding-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /usr/local/cdap-ranger/

chown cdap:cdap  /usr/local/cdap-ranger/binding-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

and then restart server

restart cdap service:

for i in `ls /etc/init.d/ | grep cdap` ; do sudo service $i restart ; done





5. Create Ranger Service

curl -u admin:admin -X POST -H “Accept: application/json” -H “Content-Type: application/json” –d @ranger-servicedef-cdap.json http://hostname:6080/service/plugins/definitions


cd /usr/local/ranger-admin/ on cluster

less logfile 

less /usr/local/ranger-admin/ews/logs

in ranger admin look at logfile to see log location on server

logs should be generated to:

tail -f /usr/local/ranger-admin/ews/logs/catalina.out

correctly setup should show:

Ranger plugin and CDAP architecture



Make enforcement working

configure cdap property: first 3
