Using Argument Setter with GCS

Using Argument Setter with GCS

This page describes how to use Argument Setter plugin using a file stored in Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

Before you begin

If the file stored in GCS is publicly available, then there is no additional configuration required. The URL in the Argument Setter plugin can be set as:


The file has to be a JSON file in the format of:

{ "arguments" : [ { "name": "<macro name>", "value": "<macro value>" }, { "name": "gcs.path", "value": "gs://bucket-name/file.json" } ... ] }

Argument Setter using a file in GCS when the file is not public

  1. Download the Service Accounts JSON file.

  2. Using terminal command line, obtain a signed URL of the file in GCS:

    gsutil signurl -d 10m <path-to-SA-json>/service-account.json gs://<bucket-name>/<file-name>.json
  3. Use the signed URL and the URL path in Argument Setter plugin.

Please note that signed URLs are time bound. For example, the time set in the example above is only available for 10 minutes. To read more about signed URL, go to https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/signing-urls-with-helpers