Uploading a Plugin from Hub using cURL

Uploading a Plugin from Hub using cURL

This document describes how to upload a Plugin from Hub to Cloud Data Fusion without the need of downloading the plugin. The steps outlined illustrate how to deploy v0.14.13 of Google Cloud Platform plugins that are used to read from and write to various cloud storage systems. This package includes the Bigquery source and sink plugins, GCS sink and source plugins etc.

Before you begin

The steps outlined in this document require the use of jq command line library to parse a JSON file.

To install on Mac, you can use HomeBrew

brew install jq

1. Obtain plugin information from Hub

List available packages in the Hub:


Once you have identified the plugin package you want, you can get the detail by going to:

https://hub.cdap.io/v2/packages/<PACKAGE NAME>/<PACKAGE VERSION>/spec.json

This will translate to hydrator-plugin-gcp-plugins as the package that contains all the Google Cloud Platform plugins. Inside the spec file, look at actions → arguments and obtain the version, name, jar file, and config file.



2. Set the environment variables for the Plugin


3. Upload Plugin JAR

Refer to CDAP reference on how to set the AUTH_TOKEN and CDAP_ENDPOINT variables.

3. Updating Plugin Properties (for Widgets and Docs)

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